
Algorithms for fractional graph isomorphism

pip install fraciso==0.0.4


Algorithms for fractional graph isomorphism

This package contains algorithms for deciding if two graphs are fractionally isomorphic. It requires Python 3.

This file was last updated on March 25, 2014.

Copyright license

This package is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. For more information, see the file LICENSE in this directory.

Basic usage

from networkx import Graph
from fraciso import are_fractionally_isomorphic

# Create a NetworkX Graph objects G and H.
#G = ...
#H = ...

print('G is fractionally isom. to H?', are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H))

Using linear programming solvers

The fractional graph isomorphism problem can be solved via linear programming. In order to use a supported linear programming solver, it must be installed on the system (see installation requirements below). In order to instruct this package to use a linear programming solver, use the algorithm keyword argument to the are_fractionally_isomorphic function. For example:

print('G is fractionally isom. to H?',
      are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H, algorithm='lp.ecos'))

Installation requirements

In order to install the Python libraries required to use this package:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to use the PuLP library with the GLPK backend to solve the linear programming formulation of the fractional graph isomorphism problem, install GLPK:

  sudo aptitude install glpk-utils

If you want to use the PuLP library with the COIN-OR CBC backend to solve the linear programming formulation of the fractional graph isomorphism problem, install COIN-OR CBC:

  sudo aptitude install coinor-libcbc0


pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Release instructions

This is a reminder for the maintainer of this package.

python egg_info sdist upload --sign


Jeffrey Finkelstein