
Fresh Task is a Python package that fetches a list of tasks from Fresh Service tickets.

pip install freshtasks==1.0



Freshtasks is a python library that facilitates the manipulation of tasks associated with Freshservice tickets

Getting Started

Assuming that you have Python and virtualenv installed, set up your environment and install the required dependencies using pip:

pip install freshtasks

Using Freshtasks

After installing freshtasks

You need to import the main Api object and instantiate it to create a connection to freshservice:

from freshtasks.api import Api

api = Api(api_key, domain)


api_key is your freshservice api key already converted to Base 64.

domain is your freshservice domain in the format

When the connection has been initiated, laoding the task is only one line away. Below is the full code to load all tasks:

from freshtasks.api import Api

api = Api(api_key, domain)
tasks = api.load_tasks(ticket)
ticket here is the freshservice ticket number in the following format `#SR-1234` or `SR-2134`

Task Model

Tasks are returned using freshtasks custom made models.

The following attributes are available for a specific task returned:

  • id - The unique ID of the freshservice task
  • title - The title of the freshservice task
  • description - The description of the freshservice task
  • agent - The agent assigned to the task
  • status - The status of the task, 1-Open, 2-In Progress, 3-Completed

Task Utils

You can control the outcome of the tasks return in several ways using the Task Utils model in freshtasks.

Using Task Utils

Below is a sample code on how to use Task Utils:

from freshtasks.task_utils import TaskUtils

task_utils = TaskUtils(tasks)

Here tasks is a list of Task models returned usign the Api model.

Using the task_utils object, you can manipulate the outcome in several ways. Below is the full sample on how to return only open tasks:

from freshtasks.task_utils import TaskUtils

api = Api(self.api_key, self.domain)
tasks = api.load_tasks(self.ticket)
task_utils = TaskUtils(tasks)
open_tasks = task_utils.get_open()

The available filters are defined below:

  1. Get Open Tasks

    This filter will extract only open tasks

    Function Name - get_open()

  2. Get In Progress Tasks

    This filter will extract only in progress tasks

    Function Name - get_in_progress()

  3. Get Completed Tasks

    This filter will extract only completed tasks

    Function Name - get_completed()

  4. Match Exactly One Keyword in Task Title

    This filter will match a provided keyword exactly against a task title and will return this task.

    This method returns ONLY ONE task

    Function Name - matchxact_one_by_keyword()

  5. Match Exactly All Keyword in Task Title

    This filter will match a provided keyword exactly against a task title and will return all tasks matched.

    Function Name - matchxact_all_by_keyword()

  6. Match One Keyword in Task Title

    This filter will match a provided keyword case insensitive against a task title and will return this task.

    This method returns ONLY ONE task

    Function Name - matchword_one_by_keyword()

  7. Match All Keyword in Task Title

    This filter will match a provided keyword case insensitive against a task title and will return all tasks matched.

    Function Name - matchword_all_by_keyword()

Closing a task

You can also close a task using freshtasks inbuilt functions. You need to provide the two parameters below for a successful call:

  • ticket - The freshservice ticket number in the following format #SR-1234 or SR-2134

  • task_id - The freshservice task id

Below is a full code sample:

from freshtasks.api import Api

api = Api(..., ...)
api.close_task(TICKET_HERE, TASK_ID_HERE)

Running Tests

You can run the tests by following the steps below:

  1. Clone or download the project to a folder
  2. Create a file named secret.env
  3. Add the following variables as follows in the env file:
  1. Run the tests using the command ./


Copyright Mervin Hemaraju