
Fugue Icons packaged for simple use in web apps.

icon, css, sprite, graphics, ui
pip install fugue-icons==3.5.4


Fugue Icons *********** This is a set of web icons, created by `Yusuke Kamiyamane`_ and provided by him on a `Creative Commons Attribution 3.0`_ license. The icons have been merged together into a single file using the script included in this package, to make them easier to use as CSS sprites in web applications. Also, some glue code that makes it easier to include the icons in your application has been provided. .. _`Yusuke Kamiyamane`: http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/ .. _`Creative Commons Attribution 3.0`: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ General usage ============= To use those icons in any web application, just links the generated ``fugue-icons.css`` file in your HTML header like this: . code-block:: html Be sure to use an URL at which the files are actually served, which is specific to your application. Now, to include an icon in your HTML template, just add apropriate classes to the element that is supposed to display that icon: . code-block:: html

This is an abacus: .

You might need to add some additional CSS rules to adapt to your existing stylesheets. The first class, ``fugue-icon``, sets some basic common styles for the icon, while the second class, ``fugue-abacus``, scrolls the sprite sheet image to the right position that displays the "abacus" icon. Use with Flask applications =========================== You can use this package directly with your Flask_ application, by registering the provided blueprint. . code-block:: python import flask import fugue_icons.blueprint import fugue_icons app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.register_blueprint(fugue_icons, url_prefix='/fugue-icons') Then, in your template's HTML header include the link to the CSS file: . code-block:: html .. _Flask: http://flask.org Use with Django applications ============================ Add this package to INSTALLED_APPS in your django settings: . code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.admin', ... 'fugue_icons', ) In your template's HTML header include the link to the CSS file: Remember to run ``manage.py collectstatic`` when deploying your application.