A cli tool for managing documents and media files

pip install futils==0.2.1



A CLI tool to automate repetitive tasks during management of documents and media files



Available commands

  • imgresize Resize images to smaller resolutions applying same effect as 'cover' css, useful for wallpapers and background images management
  • index: Creates a text file listing all files at given path in ascending order. Only direct children files.
  • index-removed: Creates a text file listing all files that are present in a given index but doesn't exists in specified path anymore.
  • iterate Iterates files in a path and opens it in default application, useful for review pictures or multiple docs in a folder
  • iteratefrom Iterates each line of given file as a path and will open it in default system program.
  • moviefixname Assists in the process of renaming movie files into a format like <Title> (Year) - <Resolution> - <Audio Lang> <Extra>.<ext>. Use this for your plex library 😉
  • tvshowfixnames Assists in the process of renaming multiple TV show files into a format like <TV Show title> - S<Season number>E<Episode number>. Similar to moviefixname but for TV show episodes files.

Usage details for each subcommand

Use --help option to get details about each arguments, option and usage for each command

# Show help for 'imgresize' command
fu imgresize --help

Output for above command:

Usage: fu imgresize [OPTIONS] [SRC_DIR]

  Resize images to smaller resolution applying same effect as css 'cover'

  [SRC_DIR]  Directory containing images to resize  [default: ./]

  -w, --width INTEGER   Desired width in pixels  [default: 1920]
  -h, --height INTEGER  Desired height in pixels  [default: 1080]
  -d, --dst-dir TEXT    Destination directory for resized images
  --help                Show this message and exit.


Using pip

pip install futils

futils depends on python 3, in some systems you may want to use pip3 to install programs into python 3 environment


Check Development section