
A python library to interact with Gama server

pip install gama-client==1.1.5


Gama client

Gama-client is a python wrapper for interacting with the headless mode (called gama-server) of the modeling and simulation platform gama. The latest release is compatible with gama 1.9.1. This wrapper will take care of the connection with gama-server and of sending properly formatted requests to gama-server. It is made to fit the asynchronous nature of gama-server and thus makes it possible to handle multiple simulations at the same time, but the counterpart is that the users will still have to manage what to do with the received messages (command confirmation, simulation output, errors etc.) by themselves. We provide a working example that shows the architecture you can deploy if you still want to have a sequential execution.


In your python environment, install the gama-client package with the command:

pip install gama-client

For advanced users, you can find the package on the pypi website and do it yourself instead of using the pip tool.

You can check that everything went well by opening a python console and try the following line:

from gama_client.base_client import GamaBaseClient

If you don't see any error message then gama-client has been installed correctly.

Using it


To use gama-client you first need to have an instance of gama-server open and the python package installed. Then you can interact with gama-server in python using the GamaBaseClient class.

Available functions

The wrapper supports all the commands described in the gama-server documentation.

Quick overview

As explained before, everything goes through the GamaBaseClient class.

Before doing anything you will have to create an instance of that class with the url and port where your gama-server is running as well as the function that should be called when a message is received. for example to connect to a local gama-server running on port 6868 and printing received message:

import asyncio

from gama_client.base_client import GamaBaseClient
async def message_handler(message):
    print("received message:", message)

async def main():
    client = GamaBaseClient("localhost", 6868, message_handler)
    await client.connect(False)

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

When running main, your python program should connect to gama-server and when the ConnectionSuccessful message is sent back to python, the console should show

received message: {'type': 'ConnectionSuccessful', 'content': '480777042'}

Note: make sure to define your message_handler as an async function, as it's what's expected by GamaBaseClient.

As explained in the gama-server documentation here and there you should then use the content value (here '480777042') as a socket id in the rest of your interactions with gama-server. The class GamaBaseClient contains a variable socket_id that you can use to store the socket id of your client, or for more simplicity you can connect with:

await client.connect(True)


await client.connect()

And the client will take care of handling this first message and setting the socket_id by itself.

Running commands

Once connected you will want to run commands, the principle is pretty simple: all commands can be run your client variable through functions. For example if you want to run the load command you just have to call the load function with the proper parameters.

await client.load("path/to/gaml/file", "my_experiment_name")

Message handling

Filtering messages

The messages sent back by gama-server all follow the json format and are converted into a python dictionary by the wrapper. Those messages all have a field called type that can help you discriminate between them. The complete list of types and what they correspond to is given in the documentation. And on the python's side you can use the enum MessageTypes to test the type of a received message. Here is an example of a message_handler function that prints a personnalised message when a command has been executed successfully:

async def message_handler(message):
    if "type" in message.keys() and message['type'] == MessageTypes.CommandExecutedSuccessfully.value:
        print("congratulation, a command was executed successfully !")
        print("other kind of message", message)


  • If you use the MessageTypes enum, don't forget to use the value attribute to compare it to strings
  • As explained before, message_handler must be async even if you don't use await inside

Retrieving a command's answer

If you run your client purely asynchronous and have multiple simulations running at the same time, you will encounter the problem of retrieving which message corresponds to which command/simulation.

For the simulation outputs or errors, they simply include an experiment_id field that will tell you exactly to which experiment the message corresponds to. Answers to commands include a command field, containing the entirety of the command it responds to.

In every command function, there is an optional parameter called additional_data, you can use it to store metadata about your command, for example an id, and use it to find to which precise command does an answer responds to because those additional data will also be stored in the command field of the answer.

For example here we run 3 identical load commands, and we want to have a special treatment for the second one only, so we give it a special id in the additional-data in order to find the corresponding answer in the message-handler function:

import asyncio
from typing import Dict

from gama_client.base_client import GamaBaseClient

load_command_secret_id = 123
other_id = 1

async def message_handler(message: Dict):
    if "command" in message.keys() and "my_secret_id" in message['command'] and message['command']["my_secret_id"] == load_command_secret_id:
        print("answer for the load command we wanted to retrieve received:", message)
        print("other kind of message", message)

async def main():
    client = GamaBaseClient("localhost", 6868, message_handler)
    await client.connect()

    gaml_file = "path/to/gaml/file"
    expriment = "name of the experiment"
    # this is not the command we want to retrieve
    await client.load(gaml_file, expriment, additional_data={"my_secret_id": other_id})

    # this is the command we want to retrieve the answer to
    await client.load(gaml_file, expriment, additional_data={"my_secret_id": load_command_secret_id})

    # this is not the command we want to retrieve
    await client.load(gaml_file, expriment, additional_data={"my_secret_id": other_id})

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example code

A complete working example is given in the examples directory, you just have to change the values of the variables MY_SERVER_URL, MY_SERVER_PORT, GAML_FILE_PATH_ON_SERVER, EXPERIMENT_NAME and MY_EXP_INIT_PARAMETERS to the one corresponding to your own gama-server and experiment to try it.

To generate a new release (for contributors only)

Upload the new files to pypi

For reference: this documentation is based on this tutorial. Please check it out for more details about tools to install and/or context.

  • increment the version number in pyproject.toml
  • commit your changes to github
  • make sure you installed the required tools by running
python -m pip install --upgrade build
python -m pip install --upgrade twine
  • in the project's folder, to build the library, run
python -m build
  • then, to upload the generated files, run
python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
  • on github, go to releases
  • click on create a new release
  • in tag, create a new tag with the new release number
  • add a description of the changes
  • in binaries, upload the two .whl files generated by the build command
  • click on publish release