
Command to manage and control various types of game servers.

game_server_manager, ark, minecraft, python, steam
pip install game-server-manager==0.1.1


Game Server Manager

PyPi Python Versions Travis CI Documentation Updates Coverage Maintainability Test Coverage

Command to manage and control various types of game servers.


  • POSIX Complient System - built and tested on Arch Linux, but should work on any Linux, MAC OSX or Windows Subsystem for Linux version
    • Uses and requires the following commands:

      java # optional for Java based servers
      screen # optional for screen based servers
      steamcmd # optional for Steam based servers
      vim # or whatever your default $EDITOR command is
  • Python - built and tested with 3.6, but for full 1.0 release, unit tests will suppport 2.7 and 3.4+ unless there is a compelling reason not to


Allows full management of different types of servers with full configuration supported for each. Existing types (so far):

Generic configurable gameserver types

  • Custom Screen (custom_screen): Generic gameserver that has an interactive console and can easily be ran via the screen command. Requires additional configuration to work.
  • Custom Steam (custom_steam): Generic gameserver that can be installed and updated from Steam. Also, optionally support Steam workshop. Requires additional configuration to work.
  • Custom RCON (custom_rcon): Generic Steam gameserver with Source RCON protocol support. Requires additional configuration to work.
  • Java (java): Generic Java base gameserver that can be ran with screen. Requires additional configuration to work.

Gameservers for specific games

  • Minecraft (minecraft): Java based gameserver ran with screen for Minecraft.
  • ARK (ark): Steam based gameserver with RCON support for ARK: Surivial Evolved.


Install from pip:

sudo pip install game_server_manager
gs --help

gs will attempt to use .gs_config.json as the main configuration file. If this does not exist, you must provide all configuration options via command line. -t will speciify type of gameserver and -s will save a .gs_config.json file based on your commandline parameters.


  1. Generate default config (assuming generic type of custom_screen):

    gs -t custom_screen -s status
  2. Edit .gs_config.json with anything that is relevant to your server

  3. Start server:

    gs start
  4. Optional: Once you get everything working, make an issue and/or pull request to make a new server type so you do not have to configure in the future!


Existing Install

If you already have an existing install, it is simple to set up gs to run with it:

gs -t minecraft -s status

This will generate a default .gs_config.json file. Edit this to match your existing install.


You much have Java installed to run Minecraft. If you need help installing Java, consult the documentation on the Minecraft wiki:


Open any firewall ports you need as detailed on Minecraft wiki:


Assuming you want the latest stable version of Minecraft and the server to run as user minecraft with all of the default settings:

gs -t minecraft -u minecraft -s install
gs start
gs status

See gs -t minecraft install --help for more details.


Existing Install

If you already have an existing install, it is simple to set up gs to run with it:

gs -t ark -s status

This will generate a default .gs_config.json file. Edit this to match your existing install.


Install SteamCMD according to the docs for your OS:

Open File Limit

Increase Open Files Limit as detailed on ARK wiki:


Open any firewall ports you need as detailed on ARK wiki:


Assuming you want the server to run as user ark with all of the default settings and no mods:

gs -t ark -u ark -s install
gs start
gs status

See gs -t ark install --help for more details.

Multiple Instances

It is common to run multiple ARK servers together as a cluster. To do this, you want to use the instance_overrides config option. Example .gs_config.json

You can run subcommands against all instances at once with -ci @all. You can even run them all in parellel (get for starting and stopping) with -p:

gs start -ci @all -p
gs status -ci @all
gs stop -ci @all -p


Stuff planned before the 1.0 release:

  • Full Unit Test and code coverage (Python 2.7, 3.4+ support)
  • Documentation
  • Forge and Curse support for Minecraft servers
  • Backup command for all servers
  • Staging support to update servers while still running
  • Probably more stuff and maybe more server types


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.