GENeric AIRtight omICS pipelines

bioinformatics, omics, pipelines
pip install genairics==0.2.0


Latest Version Docker License

GENeric AIRtight omICS pipelines

Design goals

generic pipelines

The pipelines here available are mainly developed for my specific bioinformatics needs and that of my collaborators. They are build up in a generic way, and some of the functionality in the main genairics package file might help or inspire you to build your own pipelines. The core of the pipelines is build with luigi and extensions are provided in this package's initialization file.

airtight pipelines

The pipelines are build so they can be started with a single, fool-proof command. This should allow collaborators, or scientists wanting to replicate my results, to easily do so. A docker container is provided with the package so the processing can be started up on any platform.

omics pipelines

The pipelines grow organically, as my research needs expand. I aim to process any kind of data. If you want to use my set of pipelines, but desire an expansion to make it more omics-like, contact me and we can see if there are opportunities to collaborate. More generally, everyone is welcome to leave suggestions in the issues section of the repository.


genairics package


Python 3 has to be installed: see for instructions.

Prepare virtualenvwrapper [optional]

 sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
 echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs" >> ~/.bashrc
 echo "export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=$(which python3)" >> ~/.bashrc
 . ~/.bashrc
 mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
 . /usr/local/bin/
 mkvirtualenv -a ~/genairics -i ipython


 workon genairics #only when working in virtualenv
 # For stable version:
 pip3 install genairics
 # For latest development version:
 # pip3 install git+

Start up console with genairics console and execute the following line:


Get your BASESPACE_API_TOKEN accessToken

Follow the steps 1-5 from this link:

emacs ~/.BASESPACE_API #Store your accessToke here, instead of emacs use any editor you like
chmod 600 ~/.BASESPACE_API #For security, only rw access for your user

Prepare your HPC account [for UGent collaborators]

Go to to apply for access to the HPC.

add to your HPC ~/.bashrc =>

export GAX_RESOURCES=$VSC_DATA_VO/resources
export BASESPACE_API_TOKEN= #Set this to your basespace api token
export PATH=$VSC_DATA_VO/resources/bin:$PATH:~/.local/bin
if [[ -v SET_LUIGI_FRIENDLY ]]; then module load pandas; unset SET_LUIGI_FRIENDLY; fi
if [[ -v R_MODULE ]]; then module purge; module load R-bundle-Bioconductor; unset R_MODULE; fi

Execute the following commands

module load pandas
pip3 install --user --upgrade genairics
mkdir $VSC_DATA_VO_USER/{data,results}

Rerun the first two of these lines whenever you need to upgrade your genairics version.

Example run


docker run -v ~/resources:/resources -v ~/data:/data -v ~/results:/results \
       --env-file ~/.BASESPACE_API beukueb/genairics RNAseq \
       NSQ_Run240 --genome saccharomyces_cerevisiae

qsub job

genairics --job-launcher qsub RNAseq NSQ_Run240


There comes a point in time when any human just has to develop their own, fully-fledged computational genomics platform. This is not that time for me, but it is good to set it as an aim: aiming for the stars, landing somewhere on the moon. Of course, with help I should be able cover more distance, so if you like this project and want to help out, contact me.