

bioinformatics, genomics, visualization
pip install genomkit==0.2.6


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GenomKit is a comprehensive Python package designed to streamline bioinformatics research by providing efficient and user-friendly modules for handling various genomic data formats. Whether you're a seasoned bioinformatician or just starting out, GenomKit offers a range of tools to simplify your workflow and accelerate your research. It covers not only the functions for processing a single file format, but also the modules for handling a set of different files together representing different and relevant genomic elements. GenomKit, as the name suggests, is a kit of many useful tools tailored for your bioinformatics research needs.

Scheme of GenomKit modules


  • Versatile File Handling: GenomKit offers flexible modules and efficient functions for handling a wide range of genomic elements from different file types. From BAM and BED to bigWig, FASTA, and FASTQ files, GenomKit has you covered.

  • Data Visualization: Visualizing your genomic data is made easy with GenomKit's built-in visualization tools. Whether you're generating genome browser tracks or plotting peak calling results, GenomKit provides intuitive visualization options to enhance your analysis.

  • Effortless Data Conversion: Convert your genomic data into numpy arrays or pandas data frames with ease. GenomKit's functions make it simple to manipulate and analyze your data using familiar Python data structures.

  • Comprehensive Usage Cases: With over 50 usage cases covering a wide range of bioinformatic tasks, GenomKit offers practical solutions for common challenges in genomic analysis. Whether you're performing variant calling, ChIP-seq analysis, or differential expression analysis, GenomKit has a solution for you.

  • Parallel Computing Support: GenomKit supports parallel computing in its functions for heavy computation tasks, enabling faster processing times and improved scalability for large-scale genomic analyses.

  • Pythonic Interface: GenomKit provides a Pythonic interface for seamless integration into your custom software or analysis pipelines. With a clear and consistent API, GenomKit makes it easy to incorporate its functionality into your projects.


To install GenomKit, simply use pip:

pip install genomkit

For more detailed installation instructions, including installation from source, refer to the documentation.


Check out the documentation for usage examples, API references, and tutorials on getting started with GenomKit.


GenomKit is distributed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute GenomKit according to the terms of this license.