
Lightweight Python module for geocoding addresses via the Google Geocoding API

pip install geo_code==0.0.1



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Lightweight Python package for geocoding addresses using the Google Geocoding API.

There are multiple geocoding modules in Python. What makes geo_code different from the others is that if offers the following functionalities:

  • Batch-geocoding: Given an input csv file name (and column to geocode), Geocoder.geocode_csv() will return a csv file of the geocoded locations.

  • String Removal: Address columns are often dirty, so geo_code allows you to input a string (or Python list of strings) to remove from a given query.

  • Delayed Geocoding: The Google Geocoding API free tier service has a request limit of ___. geo_code allows you to use the free tier service and will automatically wait 30 minutes when a query limit is reached. It also provides functionality to save intermediate progress.

For an input string address, Geocoder will return the longitude, latitude, postcode, formatted_address, and query status; e.g.:

{'status': u'OK', 'postcode': u'55441', 'latitude': 44.9850985, 'longitude': -93.4207907 'formatted_address': u'11100-11298 Sunset Trail, Plymouth, MN 55441, USA'}

Getting Started: Using the Geocoder Class

The core functionality provided by geo_code, geocoding, is provided by the geocode method of the Geocoder class. The Geocoder class can be initialized with an API-key (provided at here), or without an argument (for free-tier service/rates).

from geo_code import Geocoder

# init with free tier service
g = Geocoder()

# init with API-key
g = Geocoder('thisIsNotARealAPIKey')

To geocode an Address, simply input the address as a string into the Geocoder.geocode method.

# input string as argument
address = '190 Doe Library, Berkeley CA'

# another example: input raw string
g.geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500')