A lightweight sprite-based game and graphics framework

pip install ggame==1.1.2


build passing


The simple sprite and game platform for Brython Server (Pygame, Tkinter to follow?).

Ggame stands for a couple of things: "good game" (of course!) and also "git game" or "github game" because it is designed to operate with Brython Server in concert with Github as a backend file store.

Ggame is not intended to be a full-featured gaming API, with every bell and whistle. Ggame is designed primarily as a tool for teaching computer programming, recognizing that the ability to create engaging and interactive games is a powerful motivator for many progamming students. Accordingly, any functional or performance enhancements that can be reasonably implemented by the user are left as an exercise.

Please visit the detailed documentation page for ggame. This is generated automatically from the ggame sources.

Functionality Goals

The ggame library is intended to be trivially easy to use. For example:

from ggame import App, ImageAsset, Sprite
# Create a displayed object at 100,100 using an image asset
Sprite(ImageAsset("bunny.png"), (100,100))
# Create the app, with a default stage
app = App()
# Run the app

Another Example

The following example illustrates the more common use case in which the basic ggame classes, Sprite and App, are subclassed as Bunny and DemoApp and given event handlers and step (i.e. poll) functions.

from ggame import App, ImageAsset, Sprite, MouseEvent
from random import random, randint

class Bunny(Sprite):

    asset = ImageAsset("bunny.png")

    def __init__(self, position):
        super().__init__(Bunny.asset, position)
        # register mouse events
        App.listenMouseEvent(MouseEvent.mousedown, self.mousedown)
        App.listenMouseEvent(MouseEvent.mouseup, self.mouseup)
        App.listenMouseEvent(MouseEvent.mousemove, self.mousemove)
        self.dragging = False

    def step(self):
        Every now and then a bunny hops...
        if random() < 0.01:
            self.x += randint(-20,20)
            self.y += randint(-20,20)

    def mousedown(self, event):
        # capture any mouse down within 50 pixels
        self.deltax = event.x - (self.x + self.width//2)
        self.deltay = event.y - (self.y + self.height//2)
        if abs(self.deltax) < 50 and abs(self.deltay) < 50:
            self.dragging = True
            # only drag one bunny at a time - consume the event
            event.consumed = True

    def mousemove(self, event):
        if self.dragging:
            self.x = event.x - self.deltax - self.width//2
            self.y = event.y - self.deltay - self.height//2
            event.consumed = True

    def mouseup(self, event):
        if self.dragging:
            self.dragging = False
            event.consumed = True

class DemoApp(App):

    def __init__(self):
        for i in range(10):

    def step(self):
        Override step to perform action on each frame update
        for bunny in self.spritelist:

# Create the app
app = DemoApp()
# Run the app

Installing ggame

Before using ggame with your Python source repository on Github, you may add the ggame source tree to your repository. If you are executing your code in http://runpython.com, then the current ggame repository is already added to your import search path and no installation is required.

Contributing to ggame


Set up the development environment with Python 3.11.

Create a virtual environment with venv and activate it:

$ python3.11 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

$ python3.11 -m pip install -r requirements-headless.txt

Test your environment by running the tests:

$ scripts/run_tests.sh

Code Quality

Python sources in ggame should be passed through black. For example:

$ black ggame/app.py

Python sources should also be tested with pylint. For example:

$ python3.11 -m pylint -r n ggame/app.py

You can perform all of these checks in concert with a full Sphinx build by executing the script:

$ scripts/run_tests.sh