gc is a command line helper client for using git.

pip install git-client==0.1.6



gc is a simple command line helper client for git.

Obviously git has a lot of functionality in the CLI already. Not seeking to re-invent any wheels, gc can simplify commits and pushes, add or remove files from .gitignore, and maybe one day help with merge fixes.


$ gc "subject for a git commit"

Commit local git repo with message "subject for a git commit", add or rm files, and push changes. You will be prompted to add a body message (skip with 'n'), and you will see a list of untracked, modified, or deleted files. Simply unselect any files you DON'T want to add or rm.

$ gc -I

show .gitignore for current project and exit

$ gc -i config.ini terraform.tfvars

add config.ini and terraform.tfvars to project's .gitignore. If a file exists already, it will be deleted, but you will be prompted first (unless you provide the [-y] or [--yes] flag).