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🔍 Git Stats Reports 🔍
Use the --help flag for detailed options:
git-stats-report --help
git-stats-report can be used in different ways, the most straightforward one is:
git-stats-report -s "4"
This will return statistics for each contributor since four days ago. The -s flag accepts any number greater than 0
Other use of git-stats-report is with the -st flag, which allows to change the default behaviour, SINCE_DAYS, to FROM_LATEST_TAG:
git-stats-report -st "FROM_LATEST_TAG"
This will return statistics for each contributor since the last generated tag. Using the -st flag, the -s flag is not needed.
A last option is the -r flag, which will return the raw string with linebreaks:
git-stats-report -r -s "4"
The output will be more suitable in some cases, like in CI/CD pipelines if you want to store the report in a variable and print it somewhere else.
Recommended instalation for CICD is through pipx
with a pinned version:
pip install pipx==1.2.0
pipx run git-stats-report==0.3.2
That command will create a virtual environment just for git-stats-report and return the report.
Instalation can be done with pip as usual:
pip install git-stats-report
Pipenv and poetry equivalents can be used as well.