
Simple updates to SHA commits with CI the status

http, api, github, ci, jenkins, status, sha
pip install github-status==0.0.5



A simple interface for updating SHA1s for PRs with statuses. Made for Jenkins initially, altough a command line tool, it mostly consumes environment variables to set states on commits.

Github Environment Variables:

  • GITHUB_REPOSITORY The url part of the repo, like ceph/ceph
  • GITHUB_SHA A commit SHA that will receive the update
  • GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN Generated TOKEN to authenticate to Github
  • GITHUB_STATUS_CONTEXT The "title" part of the status, like "docs"
  • GITHUB_STATUS_STARTED The 'started' text that will change next to the 'title' (context)
  • GITHUB_STATUS_SUCCESS The 'success' text that will change next to the 'title' (context)
  • GITHUB_STATUS_FAILURE The 'failure' text that will change next to the 'title' (context)
  • GITHUB_STATUS_ERROR The 'error' text that will change next to the 'title' (context)
  • GITHUB_STATUS_STATE The state for the sha1, one of: 'success', 'error', 'failure', or 'pending'

Build Environment Variables:

  • BUILD_URL A url that points to the actual full url for the build
  • PARENT_BUILD_URL Optional parent url where actual build happened