
Utility for use in gitlab ci to upload files (from build) to the current projects release (tag)

pip install gitlab-release==5.4



This python utility is used to upload specific release files from a gitlab-ci build to the tag release page on gitlab.

This allows a file or (generated) zip with arbitrary structure to be added to a release for convenient download, as opposed to the artifacts which are somewhat constrained to always be zipped with a folder structure taken directly from the filesystem.

It can be used in a gitlab-ci.yml stage like:

  stage: release
    - pip3 install gitlab_release
    - python3 -m gitlab_release $PRIVATE_TOKEN *.zip
    - tags

Or if you want to bundle a bunch of files into a zip and upload that

  stage: release
    - pip3 install gitlab_release
    - python3 -m gitlab_release --zip "release-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}.zip" " $PRIVATE_TOKEN *
    - tags

This tool requires you to put a copy of a PRIVATE_TOKEN in a secret CI variable for the project to give it access to post the files back to the project

You can use your personal token from

Or better, create a new Personal Access Token for this and use that:

Make sure you enable API access when creating the token. The label you use is just for you to remeber what it's for, it wont affeect operation.

Add it to a secret variable called PRIVATE_TOKEN for the project you’re building at<user>/<project>/settings/ci_cd

On any tagged release the files specified in the glob will then be availble on the Tags tab of your project.


usage: gitlab_release [-h] [--server SERVER] [--project_id PROJECT_ID]
                     [--release_tag RELEASE_TAG] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                     [--ignore_cert] [--zip ZIP]
                     [--description DESCRIPTION]
                     private_token files [files ...]
positional arguments  
private_token login token with permissions to commit to repo
files file names and/or globs of files to upload
optional arguments  
--server SERVER url of gitlab server or $CI_PROJECT_URL
--project_id PROJECT_ID Unique id of project, available in Project Settings/General or $CI_PROJECT_ID
--release_tag RELEASE_TAG Tag to upload files against or $CI_BUILD_TAG
--timeout TIMEOUT Timeout for http requests
--ignore_cert Ignore ssl certificate failures
--zip ZIP Add all globbed files to provided zip name and upload that
--description DESCRIPTION Extra text to add to the release description
-h, --help show this help message and exit