
Generator for Large Scale Structure

astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, python, simulations
pip install glass==2023.1


GLASS: Generator for Large Scale Structure

Documentation PyPI arXiv adsabs doi Slack

This is the core library for GLASS, the Generator for Large Scale Structure. For more information, see the full documentation. There are a number of examples to get you started.


Releases of the code can be installed with pip as usual:

pip install glass

If you are interested in the latest version of the code, you can pip-install this repository:

pip install git+


If you use GLASS simulations or the GLASS library in your research, please cite the original GLASS paper in your publications.

Getting in touch

The best way to get help about the code is currently to get in touch.

If you would like to start a discussion with the wider GLASS community about e.g. a design decision or API change, you can use our Discussions page.

We also have a public Slack workspace for discussions about the project.

To keep up with new GLASS releases, you can receive GitHub release notifications from this repository. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our announcement mailing list, which only receives 1 email/release. To subscribe, use the mailing list page, or send an email to with any subject and the following message body:

subscribe glass <Your name>

where <Your name> is your full name, or ANONYMOUS if you prefer. You will be sent a confirmation email in return.