template, plz check

global, prime, pay, payment, sdk
pip install globalPrimePay==0.0.7


Global Prime Pay SDK

more info at https://doc.gbprimepay.com for python docs see https://thanakijwanavit.github.io/globalPrimePay/


pip install globalPrimePay

How to use

  1. Get gbprime secrets
  2. pip install globalPrimePay
  3. python docs here


GB prime should give you a password file which should include

this should also be available at your gbprime console in profile>show Key near the bottom of the page

public:Public Keysecret: Secret Key
token: Token / Customer Key

These key should be saved securely and should never be shared with the client or stored in the source code We recommend a secret storage service such as aws secrets manager if you are developing your app please use the test domain key

these secrets must be used when initiating the gbp client


Initiate a client

from globalPrimePay.client import Client
client = Client(pub = 'PUBLICKEY', secret='SECRETKEY', token='CLIENT TOKEN')

Pay with credit card

sampleCard = {
      "cardNumber": "4535017710535741",
      "expirationMonth": "05",
      "expirationYear": "28",
      "securityCode": "184",
      "name": "Watcharagon Phokonwong"
cardToken = client.getCardToken(**sampleCard)['card']['token']

non-3d payment

# non-3d payment
  token = cardToken,
  amount = 100,
  referenceNo = 'ref1',
  customerName = "nic",
  customerEmail = "nicsemail@gmail.com",
  detail =  'test order')
{'customerAddress': None,
 'amount': 100,
 'referenceNo': 'ref1',
 'messageToMerchant': None,
 'resultCode': '00',
 'customerTelephone': None,
 'resultMessage': 'Success',
 'customerName': 'nic',
 'customerEmail': 'nicsemail@gmail.com',
 'gbpReferenceNo': 'gbp173512113574',
 'merchantDefined5': None,
 'detail': 'test order',
 'merchantDefined3': None,
 'merchantDefined4': None,
 'merchantDefined1': None,
 'merchantDefined2': None}

3d payment

# payment
chargeCardResult = client.chargeCard(
  token = cardToken,
  amount = 100,
  referenceNo = 'ref1',
  customerName = "nic",
  customerEmail = "nicsemail@gmail.com",
  detail =  'test order',
  otp = 'Y'
{'customerAddress': None,
 'amount': 100,
 'referenceNo': 'ref1',
 'messageToMerchant': None,
 'resultCode': '00',
 'customerTelephone': None,
 'resultMessage': 'Success',
 'customerName': 'nic',
 'customerEmail': 'nicsemail@gmail.com',
 'gbpReferenceNo': 'gbp173512113578',
 'merchantDefined5': None,
 'detail': 'test order',
 'merchantDefined3': None,
 'merchantDefined4': None,
 'merchantDefined1': None,
 'merchantDefined2': None}

Verify OTP

'<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<html>\n  <head>\n    <title>GB Prime Pay</title>\n    <meta charset="UTF-8" />\n    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />\n  </head>\n  <body>\n    <div>Loading...</div>\n    <div>\n      <form action="https://simbank.globalprimepay.com/pay/3d_secure" method="post">\n        <input type="hidden" name="MERID" value="21291800058" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="TERMINALID" value="18060001" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="PAN" value="4535017710535741" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="EXPIRYDATE" value="0528" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="CVV2" value="184" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="INVOICENO" value="2209270148" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="AMOUNT" value="10000" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="POSTURL" value="https://api.globalprimepay.com/web/thanachat_gateway/receive/goback" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="POSTURL2" value="https://api.globalprimepay.com/web/thanachat_gateway/receive/realtime" />\n        <input type="hidden" name="AUTOREDIRECT" value="Y" />\n      </form>\n    </div>\n    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>\n    <script type="text/javascript">\n      $(document).ready(function () {\n        $(\'form\').submit();\n      });\n    </script>\n  </body>\n</html>'