
A utility to use Telegram as a backup solution.

backup, backup-utility, hacktoberfest, python3, telegram
pip install gramup==1.0.0




  1. What is GramUp?
  2. How does it work?
  3. Key Features
  4. Installation
  5. Usage
  6. Questions and Feedback

What is GramUp?

GramUp is a lightweight python program to back up your files. GramUp enables you unlimited cloud backup and easy restore functionality and that too for free. With GramUp, monthly bills for cloud storage will be a thing of the past.

How does it work?

GramUp uses Telegram's unlimited cloud storage for backup. All your files are stored on Telegram servers and secured by their encryption. You can select a chat ( usually saved messages ) to use and GramUp will send all files to that chat and later at an event of restoration download files from there. Since both Telegram and GramUp are opensource you don't have to worry about someday suddenly you having to pay for your storage.

Key Features

  • Unlimited Storage for Ever
    • Yes forever! That is not until a certain period of time or with a specific cap to the amount of storage you get. It is truly unlimited.
  • Fully Opensource
  • Works on any Unix based OS
    • Anywhere you can run python or install Telegram GramUp will be available.
  • Unlimited Number of Device Support
    • Can run from any number of devices simultaneously ( both backup and restore )
  • Manual Upload and Download Support
    • Just send the file to Telegram and GramUp got you covered.
  • Preserves Directory Structure
    • GramUp remembers the relative path of your files so they can be recreated exactly when restoring.
  • Can Handle Any Kind of File
    • GramUp can backup and restore any type of file, let it be an image or a zip file GramUp can handle without any problem.
  • Large File Size Support
    • GramUp supports file size of up to 1.5 GB ( will be increased in the next release )
  • Resumable Backup and Restore
    • GramUp checks the list of files already uploaded/downloaded and uploads/downloads new files only to save you time and resources.
  • Automatic Chat Identification
    • Just send 'use_this_chat' to any chat and GramUp will automatically select that chat for backup.
  • Easy setup
    • With easy 3 steps guided setup process, it is easier than you can imagine.
  • Light weight
    • The whole program is just 35.7 kB I bet this must be the smallest app you have ever installed.


GramUp currently provides two methods of installation, by using pip or by cloning this repository.

Method 1

This method always gets you the stable version of GramUp and is the recommended method. Install pip if you don't have it then run :

pip install gramup --user

And that is it!

Method 2

This method ensures that you get the latest version ( even if it is unstable ). The steps shown are for Linux but can be easily replicated on other OS too, just google "cloning GitHub repository from <your OS> "

Run the following commands from a terminal :

git clone
cd GramUp
chmod +x    
python gramup/



To start the program run,

  1. Then enter your phone number and list of folders you want to back up.
  2. Now you will receive a code on your phone ( on Telegram ) enter that and press enter.
  3. Now send "use_this_chat" to the Telegram chat you want to use for backup.
  4. Enter "b" for backup or "r" for restore.
  5. Now you can go out a have some fun while GramUp handles your task.


The process is the same for you guys too. To start you can either run,

python -m gramup

or if you have your PATH configured just run,


The rest is the same as that for Linux


GramUp is not natively available for Windows since windows doesn't support fcntl, but GramUp requires it to work. If you are on Windows you can use GramUp-Web a web app implementation of GramUp. GramUp-Web is currently under development and may take some time to become production ready.


Currently GramUp doesn't support automatic backup and restore on Android/iOS. You could backup files manually by sending them to the chat you selected for backup ( must be sent as document ) with the path to where you want it restored as the caption.

Files backed up by GramUp can be accessed using the UnLim app on Android. UnLim can also be used to backup files from Android to then be restored using GramUp. To make GramUp compatible with UnLim just select the "saved messages" chat ( The chat which is used by UnLim ) as the chat for backup. Do check out UnLim's facebook page.

Questions and Feedback

If you are facing any problem feel free to open an issue or mail me a stack overflow question with gramup as the tag. All pull requests are always welcome. If you want to know how GramUp works checkout this map

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