
Grok-like configuration for zope.formlib components

pip install grokcore.formlib==1.10.1


This package provides support for writing forms using the Zope Formlib library and registering them directly in Python (without ZCML).

This package is essentially set up like the grokcore.component package, please refer to its documentation for details. The additional ZCML lines you will need are:

<include package="grokcore.formlib" file="meta.zcml" />
<include package="grokcore.formlib" />

Put the first line somewhere near the top of your root ZCML file.

We need an example interface:

from zope import interface, schema

class IMammoth(interface.Interface):

   name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
   age = schema.Int(title=u"Age", min=0)

You can provide an edit form for IMammoth like this:

from grokcore import formlib

class Edit(formlib.EditForm):


If your content object is defined in the same Python file and implements grokcore.formlib.IContext, then it will be the default context for your form.

Display forms are as easy as edit forms:

class Index(formlib.DisplayForm):


You can build more generic forms, providing your own actions for a form:

class ISearch(interface.Interface):

    search = schema.TextLine(title=u"Text")

After this, you define your form. It's applied to a mammoth, but uses the ISearch interface to generate fields:

class Search(formlib.Form):


    form_fields = formlib.Fields(ISearch)

    def update(self):
        # Default search results are None
        self.search_result = None

    def search(self, text):
        self.search_result = 'something found with text'

Create a custom template to render your form (in a directory modulename_templates).

Add forms work like generic forms, you have to provide your action Add.

Since a Grok form is a Grok view, all configuration directives and attributes available on a Grok view are available as well on a Grok form.

This means that you can customize your form by associating a template with it. The template is responsible for displaying widgets and actions. The API to access them is the same as on a Zope Formlib form.

You can't customize a form by providing a render() method on it, but you can still use the update() method if you want.

Please refer to the documentation of grokcore.view for more details.

Extends Form to create an edit form for your content.
Creates simple display forms.
Is a base class to create generic forms.
Extends Form to create add forms. You have to provide the add action which is going to create the new object.
Is a decorator to create an action on the form. Your action only has to accept values from the form as parameters.
Create form fields from the given context. If the context is an interface, Zope fields defined in that interface are going to be used to build form fields. If the context is a regular object, Zope fields of all implemented interfaces of that object are going to used to build form fields.
Create and reorder fields on the form.

Additionally, the grokcore.formlib package exposes the grokcore.component, and grokcore.view APIs.