A command-line utility to work with Gerrit

pip install grr==0.8.0


grr (deprecated)

The Python version of grr is deprecated. A maintained Rust version is available on GitLab. Please use that instead.

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grr is a simple utility to make using Gerrit a little less painful. It requires Python 3.5+.

The basic workflow involves using a detached head, and pulling down changes from gerrit to work on them, and re-submitting them. Inspired by git-review, grr reads from .gitreview files and will try to use your gitreview.username setting.


pip install grr
  • grr init: Adds a gerrit remote and installs the commit-msg hook
  • grr fetch 12345[:2]: Pulls change 12345. An optional patchset # can be specified, otherwise the latest will be used.
  • grr cherry-pick 12345[:2]: Just like fetch, except it cherry-picks the patch on top of HEAD.
  • grr pull [master]: Pulls the latest remote changes and checks out the given branch, defaults to master.
  • grr checkout [master]: Checkout the given branch, defaults to master
  • grr review [branch]: Uploads your patches for review, the branch defaults to master.
  • grr [branch]: Shorthand for grr review.

Licensed as GPLv3 or later, see COPYING for details.