
### Mathematical Libraries

math, mathematics, lcm, gcd, primes, comb, combinations, pythagorean, triples, ackermann, fibonacci
pip install grscheller.boring-math==0.4.4


Daddy's boring math library

Python package of modules of a mathematical nature. The project name was suggested by my then 13 year old daughter Mary.


Here are the modules and executables which make up the grscheller.boring-math PyPI project.

Library Modules

Integer Math Module

  • Number Theory
    • Function gcd(int, int) -> int
      • greatest common divisor of two integers
      • always returns a non-negative number greater than 0
    • Function lcm(int, int) -> int
      • least common multiple of two integers
      • always returns a non-negative number greater than 0
    • Function coprime(int, int) -> tuple(int, int)
      • make 2 integers coprime by dividing out gcd
      • preserves signs of original numbers
    • Function iSqrt(int) -> int
      • integer square root
      • same as math.isqrt
    • Function isSqr(int) -> bool
      • returns true if integer argument is a perfect square
    • Function primes(start: int, end_before: int**) -> Iterator[int]**
      • uses Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm
  • Combinatorics
    • Function comb(n: int, m: int**) ->** int
      • returns number of combinations of n items taken m at a time
      • pure integer implementation of math.comb
  • Fibonacci Sequences
    • Function fibonacci(f0: int=0, f1: int=1) -> Iterator[int]
      • returns a Fibonacci sequence iterator
      • f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
      • f(0) = f0 and f(1) = f1
      • defaults to 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...

Pythagorean Triple Module

  • Pythagorean Triple Class
    • Method Pythag3.triples(a_start: int, a_max: int, max: Optional[int]) -> Iterator[int]
      • Returns an iterator of tuples of primitive Pythagorean triples
    • A Pythagorean triple is a tuple in positive integers (a, b, c)
      • such that a**2 + b**2 = c**2
      • a, b, c represent integer sides of a right triangle
      • a Pythagorean triple is primitive if gcd of a, b, c is 1
    • Iterator finds all primitive Pythagorean Triples
      • where 0 < a_start <= a < b < c <= max where a <= a_max
      • if max = 0 find all theoretically possible triples with a <= a_max

Recursive Function Module

  • Ackermann's Function
    • Function ackermann_list(m: int, n: int**) ->** int
      • an example of a total computable function that is not primitive recursive
      • becomes numerically intractable after m=4
      • see CLI section below for mathematical definition

CLI Applications

Implemented in an OS and package build tool independent way via the project.scripts section of pyproject.toml.

Ackermann's function CLI scripts

Ackermann, a student of Hilbert, discovered early examples of totally computable functions that are not primitively recursive.

A fairly standard definition of the Ackermann function is recursively defined for m,n >= 0 by

   ackermann(0,n) = n+1
   ackermann(m,0) = ackermann(m-1,1)
   ackermann(m,n) = ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1))
  • CLI program ackerman_list
    • Given two non-negative integers, evaluates Ackermann's function
    • Implements the recursion via a Python array
    • Usage: ackerman_list m n

Pythagorean triple CLI script

Geometrically, a Pythagorean triangle is a right triangle with positive integer sides.

  • CLI program pythag3
    • Generates primitive Pythagorean triples
    • A primitive Pythagorean triple is a 3-tuple of integers (a, b, c) such that
      • a³ + b³ = c³ where a,b,c > 0 and gcd(a,b,c) = 1
    • The integers a, b, c represent the sides of a right triangle
    • Usage: pythag3 [m [n [max]]
      • 3 args print all triples with m <= a <= n and a < b < c <= max
      • 2 args print all triples with m <= a <= n
      • 1 arg prints all triples with a <= m
      • 0 args print all triples with 3 <= a <= 100