
Preps a set of HTML files for deployment

pip install grymt==1.2



  • Means "awesome" in Swedish.

  • Analyzes and processes HTML for ideal hosting in production. All referenced CSS and JS is minified and concatenated according to HTML comments you put in your HTML file(s).

  • Input requires that all things to be analyzed is in one sub-directory.

  • Ultimately grymt is a solution to not being able to use Grunt as desired. Grunt is a great framework but it's hard to get it to work exactly as you like. Individual Grunt "recipes" work, but not all together.


And example app is Buggy. Compare the source with the output by viewing the HTML source on

Alternatively, in this project root there is a full app called exampleapp. Try running,

python exampleapp

Now inspect what was created in ./dist/.

How to use it

First install it,

pip install grymt

Then, make sure you have all your HTML, CSS and Javascript code in one directory. For example,

ls app/
index.html partials   static


grymt app/

That'll create a directory called dist which is a copy of app but with HTML, CSS and JS optimized.

There are a growing list of options under,

grymt --help


Mozilla Public License 2.0

Copyright: Peter Bengtsson

Cool features

  • You can use hashes. For example,
<!-- build:js $hash.min.js -->
<script src="foo.js"></script>
<script src="bar.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->

then you get a file called 95afdee.min.js where the hash is a checksum on the files' combined content.

  • You can inline your CSS or your JS instead of making it an external file. For example,
<!-- build:css stuff.css -->
<link href="foo.css">
<link href="bar.css">
<!-- endbuild -->

can become:

...content of foo.css minified...
...content of bar.css minified...

which is, depending on circumstances, a good web performance optimization trick because you reduce the number of dependencies on external resources and makes it easier for the browser to start rendering stuff to the screen sooner.

  • Files like somelib.min.js or someframework-min.css doesn't get minimized again.

  • You can put $git_revision (or $git_revision_short) anywhere in your HTML that gets converted to the current git HEAD sha.

  • All images referenced in CSS gets unique and nice names that makes it possible to set far-future cache headers on them.

  • You can set HTML to be removed. This example demonstrates it well:

<script>var DEBUG = false</script>
<!-- build:remove -->
<script>DEBUG = true</script>
<!-- endbuild -->

That makes it so that window.DEBUG is false when in production.

  • It's fast.

  • You can use include files that thus only get inserted in the built code. For example:

<!-- build:include /google-analytics.html -->

About --git-revision

If you put something like $git_revision or $git_revision_short in your html, grymt will automatically execute a shell command of git rev-parse HEAD. But this might not work if your copy of the files (that you're running grymt on) isn't in a git repository.

So, the solution is instead to supply it on the command line like this:

grymt --git-revision e30a0a52f6f5223ec043056a55d05aa53d33b508 ./somedirectory

Uglifyjs instead of jsmin

The advantage of jsmin is that it's really easy to install and use and it's in Python.

The advantage of uglifyjs is that it's much better at optimizing the Javascript code.

By default, grymt tries to use uglifyjs on the command line and if it's not available or executable, it falls back on jsmin.