GUDS is a geoserver upload/download script for moving data to and from the geoserver for AWSM data products

guds, geoserver, modeling
pip install guds==0.2.1


GUDS - Geoserver Upload Download Script v0.6.1

PyPI version

The GUDS repo contains a script for moving around the modeling data between its source and the geoserver.



  • Python 3.5 +
  • A geoserver to push to

Install GUDS commandline

To install GUDS, simply :

pip install guds

To do install it from source:

git clone

cd guds

pip install -r reqquirements.txt


General usage looks like:

guds -f <filename> -t <upload data type> -b <basin name> -m <mask netcdf>

Uploading styles is done by:

guds -f <filenames> -t styles

Upload Type

GUDS is designed to handle 3 different types of data.

  1. Modeled output - The modeled output should be a netcdf containing a single day of spatial data representing the snowpack parameters. The netcdf should at at leat contain the variables: specific_mass, thickness, snow_density

  2. Topographic - To run AWSM, there is a set of static images required that describe the envrionment to the modeling system. This file should also be a netcdf and any images in the file will be uploaded.

  3. Flights - Eventually Lidar snow depth images will be uploadable, in the mean time it is under development.

  4. Styles - Upload SLD type styles to the geoserver, currently only applies to rasters

  5. shapefiles - upload .shp files to the geoserver. Note that all the supporting files must exist in the same path, e.g. (tuolumne.shp, tuolumne.prj ...)

Download Type

  1. Modeled Output - Original netcdf of the modeled data can be downloaded

Specifying the basin

To upload data, GUDS must receive a basin flag to know how to organize it. Currently the options are:

  • brb (Boise River Basin)
  • tuolumne
  • merced
  • sanjoaquin
  • kings
  • kaweah

Specifying Credentials

For security reasons GUDS requires a json file describing your credentials for logging on which is assumed to be ./geoserver.json. It should contain the following keys:

  • url - url of the AWS instance
  • geoserver_username - username on the geoserver
  • geoserver_password - Password for the geoserver
  • data - Location of the data folder on the server

After installing you can also run the following to get a blank credentials file.

guds --write_json


A mask can be provided to mask the data. To do so use the --mask flag to to pass a path to a netcdf containing a mask variable that is on the same bounds as the uploaded data.