
Utilities for Ham radio

pip install hamradio==0.4


Ham-Radio scripts

Author: Ralf Schlatterbeck <rsc@runtux.com>

Note that the binaries currently installed with the package work only in conjunction with my logging database based on Roundup.

The software in the modules of this python package centers around handling of QSO logging data, retrieval of electronic QSLs from various electronic QSL services (currently Logbook of the World LOTW and eQSL) and interfacing to my logging database written with the bugtracking framework Roundup. The logging database is part of my time-track-tool several packages that build on Roundup, among them a time tracking tool and a QSO logger.

The adif module is used to parse ADIF files. Basic usage is at the end of the file, it can be called to do a round-trip of an ADIF file (reading it in and writing it out).

The bandplan module implements a definition of the ham radio bands and corresponding frequencies for a country. Currently only Austria is implemented, it should be easy to add other countries. I'm mainly using it for looking up the corresponding band for a given frequency (e.g. when receiving data from WSJTX which includes only a frequency not the band).

The dbimport module is used for communicating with my time-track-tool logging database via its REST API. It makes use of the requester module which factors out some of the common REST API calls.

The dxcc module is used to parse the official DXCC list from the ARRL homepage and do basic callsign lookups via the prefix list given in that document. Note that the prefix list often does not identify the DXCC entity unambiguously or even gets the DXCC entity wrong in some cases.

The cty module is used to extract information from the well known CTY.DAT country database by Jim Reisert, AD1C. This database is much better at matching callsign prefixes to DXCC country, CQ-Zone and ITU-Zone information than the information in the ARRL list used by the dxcc module above. The module can be called with a set of callsigns to look up, the code at the end of the module should give you an idea on how to use it. Currently only DXCC lookup is implemented, CQ-Zone and ITU-Zone info may follow at some point.

The eqsl and lotw modules are used for retrieving QSO and QSL log information from Logbook of the World LOTW and eQSL. Note that the eqsl package also supports retrieving the QSL "cards". You should have a silver membership with eQSL for using that feature. You should get a quick idea how to use these modules from looking into the dbimport module. Note that both, eqsl and lotw use the requester module.

The qth module implements conversion from GPS coordinates to Maidenhead locator. It has a doctest in the Maidenhead_Locator class that should give you an idea on how to use it. It does support extended locators beyond length 6 used by some VHF groups.


Version 0.4: Fix setup.py install_requires

Version 0.2-0.3: Updates to documentation and setup

Version 0.1: Initial release

Note that this project is quite old – I'm using it for myself so far and the first release just now should not scare you too much.