
Used to get meanings and hangul representations of Hanja.

Korean, Hanja, Hangul, vocabulary, words, word, origins, etymology, ν•œκ΅­μ–΄, ν•œμž, ν•œκΈ€, μ–΄νœ˜, 단어, 어원
pip install hanjaq==0.0.4


hanjaq 0.0.4

This Python package can be used to get information about Hanja characters:

  • the possible meanings of a Hanja character
  • the possible Hangul representations of a Hanja character


Import and use the function get_hanja_information() to retrieve information about a Hanja character. This function returns a tuple that contains the possible Hangul representation(s) of a Hanja character, and the meaning(s) of the Hanja character.

>>> from hanjaq import get_hanja_information
>>> get_hanja_information("ε­—")
(["자"], "character, letter")

Not all Hanja characters are currently supported, only the 1800 most common ones. A tuple with an empty list and an empty string is returned if the Hanja character is not recognized.

>>> from hanjaq import get_hanja_information
>>> get_hanja_information("譎")
([], "")


You can install this package using pip:

$ pip install --user hanjaq


This information was taken from a shared Anki deck called "1,800 Hancha (Hanja ν•œμž ζΌ’ε­—)", which contains the 1800 most common and important Hanja that each Korean student should know by the end of high school. This deck can be downloaded at the following URL: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/588300654


This project is released under the MIT license.