
Used to get meanings and hangul representations of Hanja.

Korean, Hanja, Hangul, vocabulary, words, word, origins, etymology, 한국어, 한자, 한글, 어휘, 단어, 어원
pip install hanjaq==0.0.2


hanjaq 0.0.4

This Python package can be used to get information about Hanja characters:

  • the possible meanings of a Hanja character
  • the possible Hangul representations of a Hanja character


Import and use the function get_hanja_information() to retrieve information about a Hanja character. This function returns a tuple that contains the possible Hangul representation(s) of a Hanja character, and the meaning(s) of the Hanja character.

>>> from hanjaq import get_hanja_information
>>> get_hanja_information("字")
(["자"], "character, letter")

Not all Hanja characters are currently supported, only the 1800 most common ones. A tuple with an empty list and an empty string is returned if the Hanja character is not recognized.

>>> from hanjaq import get_hanja_information
>>> get_hanja_information("譎")
([], "")


You can install this package using pip:

$ pip install --user hanjaq


This information was taken from a shared Anki deck called "1,800 Hancha (Hanja 한자 漢字)", which contains the 1800 most common and important Hanja that each Korean student should know by the end of high school. This deck can be downloaded at the following URL: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/588300654


This project is released under the MIT license.