Create all possible combinations of phased and unphased blocks in a vcf
This tool takes a phase, unphased or partially phased VCF file, and generates all possible combinations of phase blocks that are consistent with the phasing that is present in the VCF file.
First, this tool reads all variants from a VCF file, and groups variants together if they are compatible.
- If a variant is phased (using the
tag), it is only compatible with other phased variants that have the same phase ID. - Homozygous variants are always compatible with other variants, since they are part of every phase group
- Heterozygous variants are only compatible when they are phased, and the phase ID matches.
To produce all possible combinations of grouped variants, haplotype-suffler
uses a counter to produce a binary pattern that determines which calls should
be modified. To modify a variant, we simply invert the order of the GT
so that 0/1
becomes 1/0
, or vice versa.
Since there are two alleles for every variant, we only have to produce half of
the possible VCF file, since the other half are mirror images (e.g. 0101
haploblock-shuffler test.vcf output
To generate consensus fasta files from the output vcf files, bgzip and index the output vcf files
cd output
for i in out_*.vcf; do
bgzip $i
tabix ${i}.gz
Then, generate the consensus using
samtools faidx $REFERENCE $REGION | bcftools consensus -H 1 out_0.vcf.gz > out_0_1.fa
samtools faidx $REFERENCE $REGION | bcftools consensus -H 2 out_0.vcf.gz > out_0_2.fa
This tool will generate 2^(n-1)
VCF files in the specified output
where n
is the number of phase blocks in the input VCF (see above). By
default, this is limited to 11 blocks, which means that at most 1024 files will
be created. This limit can be increased by using --max-blocks
, but use with