Opinionated salt-cloud alternative

pip install hart==0.14.9



A highly opinionated, secure alternative to salt-cloud.

Provider setup

Hart reads configuration from /etc/hart.toml if you don't specify a custom file with --config. This should be a TOML file with the following structure:

token = "<digital ocean token>"

aws_access_key_id = "<access key id>"
aws_secret_access_key = "<secret access key>"

project = "<project_id from the service account credentials>"
user_id = "<client_email from the service account credentials>"
key = "<private_key from the service account credentials>"

token = "<vultr api token>"

Only providers you're planning to use are required.

Configure roles

The most high-level interface to create minions is hart create-minion-from-role <role>. You define parameters for each role in the hart config file:

token = "<digital ocean token>"
# Define a default naming scheme for minions
role_naming_scheme = "{unique_id}.{region}.{provider}.{role}.example.com"
# Define a default region for this provider
region = "sfo3"

size = "s-4vcpu-8gb"

size = "s-2vcpu-2gb"

# You can override parameters for a role when running under a given provider
subnet = "<some-ec2-subnet>"
size = "t3.medium"

# You can override parameters for each region in each provider too
size = "s-3vcpu-3gb"

The available parameters are the same as those used by the lower-level API hart create-minion.

Local testing

Due to the nature of the project (requiring a salt master and lots of interaction with third-party APIs) it's hard to write good unit tests. There is a limited set that can be run as follows:

$ ./test

There's also a small set of integration tests that require setting up test accounts with the different providers (put credentials in hart.toml in the root of the repo):

$ ./test -m integration

If you're working on a single provider and don't want to test all of them, use standard pytest filtering:

$ ./test -m integration -k digitalocean

Manual testing

You need a salt master to run the code from. There's a helper script in ./tools/run-in-docker.sh that starts a shell in a docker container with salt-master and hart installed (and the saltmaster ports forwarded to the container). Start the salt-master with salt-master -d. Unless you have a publicly routeable IP, you probably want to set up a ssh port forward with ssh $HOST -N -R -R to a host that has a routeable IP for the new minions to be able to connect to the container (also make sure ports 4505 and 4506 is allowed through the firewall to that server: sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT). Set the public IP as the master for the minions by including --minion-config '{"master": "$IP"}' when calling create-minion. Create a file hart.toml in the root of the repo with credentials to use for development.


This project uses the Hippocratic License, and is thus freely available to use for purposes that do not violate human rights.