
Monitor websites for changes

email, smtp, sendgrid, http
pip install hasItChanged==0.0.3


Has it changed?

Grabs current version of each page in a list, and checks against previous stored version. Sends email and stores new version if there is any change. Currently uses sendgrid to send the email. Configuration is done through environment variables. Example environments are in the examples directory. These environments can be instantiated using envdir.

Environment Variables

  • HAS_IT_CHANGED_CFG should contain the path to a yaml file specifying a list of sites to monitor and an email address to notify upon changes.
  • HAS_IT_CHANGED_DATA should contain the path to a directory to be used to keep current versions of the sites to check against.
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY should contain the api key for sendgrid
  • SENDGRID_URL should be the url of the sendgrid api endpoint