
Check passwords and emails against HaveIBeenPwnd

pip install haveibeenpwnd==0.1.0


python bindings for HaveIBeenPwnd.com V2 Build Status PyPi VersionPython versions

Troy Hunt released a new version of the Have I Been pwnd Database. This time with more anonymity in mind.


  • does not sent passwords to HaveIBeenPwnd.com
  • does not sent complete password hashes to HaveIBeenPwnd.com
  • zero dependencies except requests (will be removed later)
  • python2 & python3 support
  • tests


You can use HaveIBeenPwnd als command line script or use it as module in other python code.

As command line script

Install HaveIBeenPwnd gobally or in a virtual environment:

$ pip install haveibeenpwnd

This add shortcuts to haveibeenpwnd, so that you call haveibeenpwnd from everywhere. To check a password, simply do this:

$ haveibeenpwnd --password hunter2
The password was found 16092 times in the haveibeenpwned.com database.

Remember, haveibeenpwnd does not send the given password into the internet, it sends the first 5 chars of the SHA1 Hash.

To check if a mail has been part of a breach, do this:

$ haveibeenpwnd -m test@example.com
The email <test@example.com> was found in following breaches:
The <000webhost> breach (2015-03-01) exposed Email addresses, IP addresses, Names and Passwords
The <8tracks> breach (2017-06-27) exposed Email addresses and Passwords

As module

Check emails:

>>> from haveibeenpwnd import check_email
>>> check_email("test@example.com"))
>>> check_email("test@example.com")
{'breaches': [{'Title': '000webhost', ...}]}

and check passwords:

>>> from haveibeenpwnd import check_password
>>> check_password('hunter2')
>>> check_password('lksdflksdpsökfdsödg')


You can install haveibeenpwnd with pip:

$ pip install haveibeenpwnd


You can run tests with:

$ tox