
Organises Humble Bundle bundles based on their platform.

humble-bundle, humble-bundle-books, humblebundle, pip
pip install hb-organiser==0.0.7



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Organises Humble Bundle bundles based on their platform. Designed to work around the structure created via Talonius' hb-downloader. Other automated HB downloaders may not work with this out of the box.

An image of hb-organiser copying files


As it's packaged as a Pip module, python3-pip is required. Run pip install --user hb-organiser to install only for your user and omit --user to install for all. See hb_organiser -h for help.

Why is this needed?

I mainly use Humble Bundle to purchase book bundles (that I'll totally read at some point, I swear!) and have accumulated thousands of books over the years. I would like to have all these books hosted via a Calibre web server for easy access but trying to weed out the books from the default structure left behind by automated downloads is a headache.

To alleviate this issue, I'm making this script that will organise my libraries with a click of a key. Duplicate items across different bundles will be ignored, all the books will be easily discovered via Calibre, and my sanity will be saved.


  • Calculates number of tasks so that you're not left in the dark and can tell the progress.

  • A crude way of tracking files being corrupted via a cancelled transfer by logging what is being operated upon and clearing it once complete. If it doesn't get cleared, chances are it was corrupted.

  • Skips copying of duplicate files by checking for its existence first (although there is a chance it may skip newer files such as updated editions of books (see issue 6)).

Immediate roadmap

The immediate goal is to put out something working. To keep development more direct I'll outline pressing matters below:

  • Cut down on operation times
    • Organising thousands of files in one go is very time-consuming - especially when working with game bundles. Speeding this up will save millions of hours of collective time over the years via optimisation.

Future plans

Longer term goals than those outlined above will be put here:

  • Abstract all the things
    • Quite a few values are hard-coded at the moment. To make it more convenient for others, this should be changed to allow for more options.
  • Abstract them even further
    • Why does this have to be limited to Humble Bundles? All its doing is moving one category of files from one place to another. This could be useful in other situations such as organising music.