
Hardware Isolation Layer: an automated network isolation layer for the data center

data, center, management, hil, python
pip install hil==v0.1.1



HaaS is a low-level tool for reserving physical machines and connecting them via isolated networks. It does not prescribe a particular method for imaging/managing said machines, allowing the user to use any solution of their choosing.

HaaS keeps track of available resources in a database, which a system administrator must populate initially.

This includes information such as:

  • What machines are available
  • What network interfaces they have
  • Where those NICs are connected (what port on what switch)

From there, a regular user may:

  • Reserve physical machines
  • Create isolated logical networks
  • Create "headnodes," which are small virtual machines usable for management/provisioning purposes
  • Connect network interfaces belonging to physical and/or headnodes to logical networks.
  • Reboot their machines, view the serial consoles -- aditionaly such management features may exist in the future.

A typical user workflow might look like:

  1. Reserve some machines.
  2. Create a logical "provisioning" network.
  3. Connect a NIC from each machine to the provisioning network. In particular, one could connect a NIC from which the machine will attempt to boot.
  4. Create a headnode, and attach it to the provisioning network
  5. Log in to the headnode, set up a PXE server, reboot the nodes, and deploy an operating system on them via the network.


Required software/hardware for running a production HaaS include:

  • Network switches:
    • At least one switch from the Cisco Nexus 5xxx or Dell PowerConnect 55xx families
    • For environments including more than one switch, all VLANs must be trunked to all managed switches
  • A single node that has the following:
    • A webserver capable of supporting the WSGI standard (Apache/mod_wsgi is the only one tested)
    • python 2.7, with the ability to install packages via pip
    • Access to:
      • The Internet or intranet (a way for users to connect to the HaaS service)
      • The administrative telnet IP on the managed switches
    • Currently only CentOS and RHEL 7.x have been tested, though any node that otherwise meets these requirements should function.
  • Database: a Postgres database server. Sqlite works but is not recommended for production.

For IPMI proxy functionality:

  • Network access from the HaaS service node to the IPMI interfaces of node under management
  • Nodes that support IPMI v2+
  • A recent version of ipmitool installed on the HaaS service node

For headnode functionality:

  • A recent Linux version for the HaaS service node that has libvirt with KVM installed
  • Some number of VM templates
  • A trunk port connected between the switch and HaaS service node that carries all VLANs accessible from HaaS


  • overview.md gives a sense as to how HaaS operates
  • INSTALL.rst for details on setting up HaaS
  • using.rst for details on using HaaS as a client
  • apidesc.md describes the API at a conceptual level (enough to use it via the haas command line tool)
  • rest_api.md provides a detailed mapping of that API to http requests.
  • HACKING.rst has information about running HaaS in a development environment, including flags that remove the need to have real hardware.
  • examples contains examples of config files, templates for creating headnode VM images and a script to register nodes with HaaS.
  • The docs directory contains assorted other documentation

Please note that the documentation is a mix of Markdown and reStructured Text, since the latter is preferred by the python and OpenStack communities and the former was what was originally used.

Mass Open Cloud

This project is part of the larger Massachusetts Open Cloud. For a description of the team, development workflow, etc. see https://github.com/CCI-MOC/moc-public/blob/master/README.md.