
Python wrapper for Helium API to simplify interactions with the Helium blockchain.

helium, crypto, hnt, blockchain
pip install hntpy==0.0.8




hntpy is a Python wrapper for Helium API to simplify requests and interaction with Helium blockchain. The aim of this project is to enable retrieval of Helium data from the API in a Pythonic way.

For comprehensive documentation (with examples), review the full usage docs.

For more detail on exact API responses/data, please see the officical Helium documentation.

This project is continually under development. If you notice a bug, or have a feature request, please submit a Github issue here.


To use the latest version of this Python package, download from PyPi:

pip install hntpy

Example Usage

Below are a couple of examples to show how the hntpy package can be used. For comprehensive documentation, including all function definitions, argument examples, and more, view the full docs.

from hntpy import Account, Hotspot, Validator

# ===================================

## sample account functionality
account = Account(address="51-character-account-address")

# get validators and hotspots associated with an account
validators = account.validators()
hotspots = account.hotspots()

# get a generator of rewards, in a given time window, for an account (optionally can also return a list)
rewards_generator = account.rewards(min_time="2022-01-01", max_time="2022-06-01", gen=True)

for batch in rewards_generator:
    for reward in batch:
        # do some processing with the reward here...

# ===================================

## sample hotspot functionality

hotspot = Hotspot(address="51-character-hotspot-address")

# get roles (activity) for a hotspot, can optionally provide timeframe and response limit
roles = hotspot.roles(min_time="2022-01-01", limit=100)

# get the total reward sum for the hotspot, optionally in a given timeframe
rewards = hotspot.rewards(min_time="2022-01-01", max_time="2022-06-01")

# get hotspots that the given hotspot witnessed over the last 5 days
witnessed = hotspot.witnessed()

# ===================================

## sample validator functionality

validator = Validator(address="51-character-validator-address")

# get roles (activity) for a hotspot, can optionally provide timeframe and response limit
roles = validator.roles(limit=200)

Return types

The Helium API returns either JSON objects (loaded as dicts) of data, or lists of data. All of the functions in the hntpy package that make requests to the Helium API return either:

  • list
  • dict
  • GeneratorType

For requests that have the potential to return large amounts of data, there is the option to provide a gen=True argument to the method, which will yield the data in batches (rather than compile and return one single large list). By default, gen parameter is set to False for all methods.

To see available return types for specific methods, see method definitions in the respective module's documentation page.