A friendly, no-nonsense tool to instantaneously check cryptocurrency prices.

cryptocurrencies, exchange-rates, coinbase, command-line-tool, hodl, bitcoin, bitcoin-api, litecoin, litecoin-price, bitcoin-price, ethereum, bitcoin-cash, conversion-rate, cryptocoins, dash, monero, portfolio-holdings, price-changes, ripple, zcash
pip install hodl==1.0.0



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HODL is your friendly, no-nonsense tool to instantaneously check cryptocurrency prices on the command line, helping you HODL one day at a time :)

Running HODL is easy:



To install HODL run:

pip install hodl


Currencies supported:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Monero (XMR)
  • Ripple (XRP)

Set preferred conversion currency:

C:\>hodl -sf USD
[*] USD configured as standard fiat

View price for a single cryptocurrency:

C:\>hodl -c btc
1 BTC = 13500.01 USD  -0.05% decrease

Convert the price for a single cryptocurrency against your preferred fiat currency:

C:\>hodl -cc btc ltc
1 BTC = 61.36111727 LTC

Convert the price for a single cryptocurrency against another cryptocurrency:

C:\>hodl -c ltc -f CHF
1 LTC = 223.93 CHF  -3.06% decrease

View total value of portfolio holdings:

C:\>hodl -vp
[*] BTC portfolio value: 123475.20 USD
[*] BCH portfolio value: 234.15 USD
[*] ETH portfolio value: 672.00 USD
[*] LTC portfolio value: 120.05 USD
[*] XMR portfolio value: 1122.43 USD
[*] XRP portfolio value: 0.00 USD

Configure portfolio holdings:

C:\hodl -cp btc 15
[*] BTC portfolio value set at 15 coins

HODL is under active development, consult the GitHub issue tracker to check what's in the development pipeline.


Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs or request features.

To contribute please consult the contribution guide.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, HODL is free and open source software.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


If you like HODL please consider donating:

Bitcoin:  13i3hFGN1RaQqdeWqmPTMuYEj9FiJWuMWf
Litecoin: LZqLoRNHvJyuKz99mNAgVUj6M8iyEQuio9