
HTTP MQ Python client module

pip install httpmq==0.1.0rc5


HTTP MQ - Python Client

Python client for httpmq

MIT CICD workflow PyPI version

Table of Content

1. Introduction

This is a async Python client SDK for httpmq built around aiohttp, and uses the auto-generated data models of httpmq's OpenAPI specification. The auto-generated data models are placed under httpmq/models. The module provides client objects for interacting with the management and data plane API of httpmq.

import asyncio
import logging
import httpmq

async def async_main(log: logging.Logger):
        # Create management plane client
        mgmt_client = httpmq.ManagementClient(
        # Create data plane client
        data_client = httpmq.DataClient(

        # Check whether management plane is ready
        await mgmt_client.ready(context=httpmq.RequestContext())"Management API ready")

        # Check whether data plane is ready
        await data_client.ready(context=httpmq.RequestContext())"Data plane API ready")
        # Always disconnect
        await mgmt_client.disconnect()
        await data_client.disconnect()

2. Installation

$ pip3 install httpmq

3. Examples

4. Local Development

NOTE: Though the described procedures supports local development, the same docker-compose.yaml can be used to create a httpmq test environment independent of this project.

This project uses Poetry as the dependency management framework.

$ poetry check
All set!

A helper Makefile is also included to automate the common development tasks. The available make targets are:

$ make help
lint                           Run python lint
build                          Build module
test                           Run unit-tests
one-test                       Run specific unit-tests
install                        Install module
uninstall                      Uninstall module
reinstall                      Reinstall module
cli                            Run venv python CLI
compose                        Bring up development environment via docker-compose
clean                          Clean up the python build artifacts
help                           Display this help screen

First, prepare the development environment:


This will call Poetry to setup the virtual environment, install dependencies, and build the module.

Now, start the development environment:

$ make compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml down --volume
Removing network httpmq-python_httpmq-py-test
WARNING: Network httpmq-python_httpmq-py-test not found.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
Creating network "httpmq-python_httpmq-py-test" with driver "bridge"
Creating httpmq-python_httpmq-data_1 ... done
Creating httpmq-python_httpmq-mgmt_1 ... done
Creating httpmq-python_dev-nats_1    ... done

Verify the code passes unit-tests:

$ make test
poetry run pytest --verbose --junitxml=test-reports/test.xml test/
=============================================== test session starts ===============================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /home/harry/Git/HTTP_Message_Broker/httpmq-python/.venv/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/harry/Git/HTTP_Message_Broker/httpmq-python
collected 11 items

test/ PASSED                                                      [  9%]
test/ PASSED                                                         [ 18%]
test/ PASSED                                                        [ 27%]
test/ PASSED                                                         [ 36%]
test/ PASSED                                                     [ 45%]
test/ PASSED                                             [ 54%]
test/ PASSED                                         [ 63%]
test/ PASSED                                           [ 72%]
test/ PASSED                                           [ 81%]
test/ PASSED                                    [ 90%]
test/ PASSED                                      [100%]

----------- generated xml file: /home/harry/Git/HTTP_Message_Broker/httpmq-python/test-reports/test.xml -----------
=============================================== 11 passed in 2.62s ================================================

A demo application, scripts/, is also provided. It exercises all the functionalities of the httpmq APIs. These functionalities are separated into subcommands, and the associated usage message explains how to call each functionality.

IMPORTANT: Before starting, perform

$ make install
$ poetry shell

This will install the locally built SDK package into the local virtual environment, and start a new shell within that virtual environment.

$ ./scripts/ --help

  Demo application for trying out functionalities of httpmq

  --custom-ca-file, --ca TEXT  Custom CA file to use with HTTP client  [env
                               var: HTTP_CUSTOM_CA_FILE]
  --access-token, --at TEXT    Bearer access token used for authentication
                               [env var: HTTP_BEARER_ACCESS_TOKEN]
  --request-id, --rid TEXT     Request ID to use with this call  [default:
  -v, --verbose                Verbose logging
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  data    Operate the httpmq dataplane API
  manage  Operate the httpmq management API
$ ./scripts/ manage --help
Usage: manage [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Operate the httpmq management API

  -s, --management-server-url TEXT
                                  Management server URL  [env var:
                                  MANAGEMENT_SERVER_URL; default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  consumer  Manages consumers through httpmq management API
  ready     Verify the management API is ready
  stream    Manages streams through httpmq management API
$ ./scripts/ manage ready --help
Usage: manage ready [OPTIONS]

  Verify the management API is ready

  --help  Show this message and exit.
$ ./scripts/ manage stream --help
Usage: manage stream [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manages streams through httpmq management API

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  change-retention  Changed a stream's message retention policy.
  change-subject    Changed the target subjects of a stream through management API
  create            Define a new stream through httpmq management API
  delete            Delete one stream through management API
  get               Read information regarding one stream through management API
  list-all          List all streams through httpmq management API
$ ./scripts/ manage consumer --help
Usage: manage consumer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manages consumers through httpmq management API

  -s, --target-stream TEXT  Target stream to operate against  [env var:
                            TARGET_STREAM; required]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  create    Define a new consumer through httpmq management API
  delete    Delete a consumer through httpmq management API
  get       Read information regarding one consumer through management API
  list-all  List all consumers of a stream through httpmq management API
$ ./scripts/ data --help
Usage: data [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Operate the httpmq dataplane API

  -s, --dataplane-server-url TEXT
                                  Dataplane server URL  [env var:
                                  DATAPLANE_SERVER_URL; default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  pub    Publish messages on a subject through httpmq dataplane API
  ready  Verify the dataplane API is ready
  sub    Subscribe for messages as a consumer on a stream through httpmq dataplane API
$ ./scripts/ data ready --help
Usage: data ready [OPTIONS]

  Verify the dataplane API is ready

  --help  Show this message and exit.