
A thin wrapper around Requests that adds caching and throttling

pip install hublot==1.1.0



Hublot is a drop-in replacement for the requests library that adds a number of features:

  • Multiple backends: the actual HTTP transactions can be performed by requests (the default), PyCURL, or the curl command-line. The interface is the same in all cases. This is helpful in getting around TLS fingerprinting.

  • HTTP-level caching, with full replay capabilities. If you run the same script twice, on the second run no network requests will be made, and the script will receive the same responses.

  • Per-host throttling. By default Hublot will enforce a 5 seconds courtesy delay between any two requests to the same host.

  • Automatic retries with the @retry_on_scraper_error decorator. This handles network errors, HTTP status errors, and parser errors (i.e. if your scraper doesn't find the value it expected in the data). Failing requests will be re-submitted a few times, with exponential backoff between requests (i.e. it sleeps a little more after each consecutive failure).