
Repo to follow the Claudio Jolowicz's tutorial about Hypermodern Python (https://cjolowicz.github.io/posts/hypermodern-python-01-setup/)

pip install hypermodern-python-tuto==1.0.3



Repo to follow the Claudio Jolowicz's tutorial about Hypermodern Python. It follows it until this release. After this one, I started adding further tools, deleting some that I consider useless and replacing some others.

Package Supported Python Versions PyPI version PyPI downloads
CI Tests status Documentation status Coverage status
Code Code quality pre-commit

Table of contents


The app created is a CLI application that queries a random Wikipedia page and displays its title and summary.


pip install hypermodern-python-tuto


Basic usage

Just run the following command:


Other options

Look at the documentation.

Tools used

Generic tools

Tools that can be used in every development project, no matter if it's a Python project or not.

  • Codecov, to mesure code coverage on repos. I let it in this project since it is already setup, but I don't think I will use it in other projects.
  • git, to manage versions of the source code.
  • GitHub, to host the git repository and automate tasks with GitHub Actions:
  • pre-commit, to manage pre-commit hooks.

Generic Python tools

Tools that can be used in every Python project, no matter its content.


  • nox, to run tasks in multiple Python environments (like tests, linting, reformatting, etc.).
  • PyPI, to install and publish Python packages.
  • poetry, to make development and distribution easy (packaging, virtualization, dependencies, launching and publishing).
  • TestPyPI, PyPI but for testing purposes.


  • pyenv, to manage Python versions.


  • pytest, a framework to write unit tests. Also used to run doctests.
  • pytest-cov, to mesure the code coverage (degree to which the source code of a program is executed while running its test suite).
  • pytest-mock, to use the unittest mocking in the pytest way.


  • Ruff, an extremely fast linter that support of all main linter rules.



  • black, to format the code.
  • isort, to sort imports.

Type checking

  • mypy, the classic type checker.


  • Read the Docs, to host the documentation.
  • Sphinx, the documentation tool used by the official Python documentation, with:
    • autodoc, Sphinx official plugin to generate API documentation from the docstrings.
    • napoleon, Sphinx official plugin to allow compatibility with Google-style docstrings.
    • sphinx-autodoc-typehints, Sphinx plugin to detect type hints in generated documentation.

Specific Python tools

Tools to match specific needs of the projet.


  • click, to create CLI applications.


Data validation

  • marshmallow, to serialize, deserialize and validate data.

I used marshmallow to follow the tutorial, but pydantic is more known, and I find it easier to use.