
This packages crates a simple way to work with, files, folders, images and pdfs.

pip install ibott-files==1.0.0


This Python package contains 4 different classes to work with files, folder, images and pdfs in your python developements for more information about how to develop your RPA projects with python check https://automatehub.es/

Class to handle files. Arguments:

  1. file_path (str): path to the file


  1. file_path (str): path to the file
  2. exists (bool): whether the file exists
  3. file_name (str): name of the file
  4. byte_size (int): size of the file in bytes
  5. creation_datetime (datetime): datetime of the file's creation
  6. modification_datetime (datetime): datetime of the file's last modification


  1. rename(new_file_name): renames the file
  2. move(new_location): moves the file to a new location
  3. remove(): removes the file
  4. copy(new_location): copies the file to a new location
  5. wait_for_file_to_exist(timeout=10): waits for the file to exist

Class to handle folders. If folder doesn't exist it automatically creates a new one. Arguments:

  1. path (str) -- path to folder to be instanced.


  1. path (str) -- path to folder to be instanced.
  2. name (str) -- name of folder


  1. rename(new_folder_name) : Rename folder
  2. move(new_location): move folder to new location
  3. remove(allow_root=False, delete_read_only=True) : remove folder and all files and folders inside
  4. empty(allow_root=False): delete all files and folders in folder, receives allow_root as parameter
  5. copy(new_location=None) : Copy folder to new location
  6. subfolder_list(): list of subfolders
  7. file_list(): list of files in folder
  8. download_file(url, name=None): downloads file from url

Image Class, heritates from File class Attributes:

  1. size {tuple}: size of image
  2. format {str}: format of image


  1. rotate(): rotate image
  2. resize(): resize image
  3. crop(): crop image
  4. mirrorH(): mirror image horizontally
  5. mirrorV(): mirror image vertically

PDF Class Heritates from File Class Arguments:

  1. file_path (str): Path of the file


  1. file_path (str): Path of the file
  2. pages (int): number of pages in the file
  3. info (str): info of the file


  1. read_pages(page_num, encoding=None): Returns a string with the text in the page
  2. append(pdf_document2,merge_path): Appends a pdf document to the current document
  3. split(): split pdf into several pdfs.