Python 3 CLI application for finding visually similar images

image, search, deduplication
pip install imagedupes==1.2.7



Python 3 application for finding visually similar images

usage: imagedupes [-h] [-a ALGORITHM] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D DATABASE] [-l]
[-o OPTIONS] [-p PROGRAM] [-r] [-R] [-s HASH_SIZE]

Finds visually similar images and opens them in an image viewer, one group of matches at a time. If no options are specified, it defaults to searching the current working directory non-recursively using a perceptual image hash algorithm with a hash size of 8, opens images in the system default image handler (all members of a group of matches at once), and does not follow symbolic links or use a persistent database.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
  Specify a hash algorithm to use. Acceptable inputs: 'dhash' (horizontal difference hash), 'dhash_vertical', 'ahash' (average hash), 'phash' (perceptual hash), 'phash_simple', 'whash_haar' (Haar wavelet hash), 'whash_db4' (Daubechles wavelet hash). Defaults to 'phash' if not specified.
  Directory to search for images. Defaults to the current working directory if not specified.
  Use a database to cache hash results and speed up hash comparisons. Argument should be the path to which you want to save or read from the database. Warning: runnning the program multiple times with the same database but a different hash algorithm (or different hash size) will lead to missed matches. Defaults to no database if not specified.
-l, --links Follow symbolic links. Defaults to off if not specified.
-o OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
  Option parameters to pass to the program opened by the --program flag. Defaults to no options if not specified.
-p PROGRAM, --program PROGRAM
  Program to open the matched images with. Defaults to your system's default image handler if not specified.
-r, --recursive
  Search through directories recursively. Defaults to off if not specified.
-R, --raws Process and hash raw image files. Note: Very slow. You might want to leave it running overnight for large image sets. Using the --database option in tandem is highly recommended. Defaults to off if not specified.
-s HASH_SIZE, --hash_size HASH_SIZE
  Resolution of the hash; higher is more sensitive to differences. Some hash algorithms require that it be a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16...) so using a power of two is recommended. Defaults to 8 if not specified. Values lower than 8 may not work with some hash algorithms.