"A small library that versions your Python projects."

python, versioning
pip install incremental==16.9.1



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Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects.

API documentation can be found here.

Quick Start

Add this to your setup.py's setup() call, removing any other versioning arguments:

    install_requires=['incremental'], # along with any other install dependencies

Install Incremental to your local environment with pip install incremental[scripts]. Then run python -m incremental.update <projectname> --create. It will create a file in your package named _version.py and look like this:

from incremental import Version

__version__ = Version("widgetbox", 17, 1, 0)
__all__ = ["__version__"]

Then, so users of your project can find your version, in your root package's __init__.py add:

from ._version import __version__

Subsequent installations of your project will then use Incremental for versioning.

Incremental Versions

incremental.Version is a class that represents a version of a given project. It is made up of the following elements (which are given during instantiation):

  • package (required), the name of the package this Version represents.
  • major, minor, micro (all required), the X.Y.Z of your project's Version.
  • release_candidate (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this Version being of a release candidate (also sometimes called a "prerelease").
  • post (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this Version as a postrelease.
  • dev (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this Version as a development release.

You can extract a PEP-440 compatible version string by using the .public() method, which returns a str containing the full version. This is the version you should provide to users, or publicly use. An example output would be "13.2.0", "17.1.2dev1", or "18.8.0rc2".

Calling repr() with a Version will give a Python-source-code representation of it, and calling str() with a Version will provide a string similar to '[Incremental, version 16.10.1]'.


Incremental includes a tool to automate updating your Incremental-using project's version called incremental.update. It updates the _version.py file and automatically updates some uses of Incremental versions from an indeterminate version to the current one. It requires click from PyPI.

python -m incremental.update <projectname> will perform updates on that package. The commands that can be given after that will determine what the next version is.

  • --newversion=<version>, to set the project version to a fully-specified version (like 1.2.3, or 17.1.0dev1).
  • --rc, to set the project version to <year-2000>.<month>.0rc1 if the current version is not a release candidate, or bump the release candidate number by 1 if it is.
  • --dev, to set the project development release number to 0 if it is not a development release, or bump the development release number by 1 if it is.
  • --patch, to increment the patch number of the release. This will also reset the release candidate number, pass --rc at the same time to increment the patch number and make it a release candidate.
  • --post, to set the project postrelease number to 0 if it is not a postrelease, or bump the postrelease number by 1 if it is. This will also reset the release candidate and development release numbers.

If you give no arguments, it will strip the release candidate number, making it a "full release".

Incremental supports "indeterminate" versions, as a stand-in for the next "full" version. This can be used when the version which will be displayed to the end-user is unknown (for example "introduced in" or "deprecated in"). Incremental supports the following indeterminate versions:

  • Version("<projectname>", "NEXT", 0, 0)
  • <projectname> NEXT

When you run python -m incremental.update <projectname> --rc, these will be updated to real versions (assuming the target final version is 17.1.0):

  • Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0, release_candidate=1)
  • <projectname> 17.1.0rc1

Once the final version is made, it will become:

  • Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0)
  • <projectname> 17.1.0