
Programmatically increase and decrease text indentation.

pip install indenter==1.0.1



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Indenter is a Python package that assists with programmatically indenting text to arbitrary levels using with blocks.


pip install indenter


from indenter import Indenter
with Indenter() as ind:
  print(ind + "Text to be indented")

# Output:
#   Text to be indented

You can nest an arbitrary number of calls:

from indenter import Indenter
ind = Indenter()
with ind:
  print(ind + "I'm one level deep")
  with ind:
    print(ind + "I'm two levels deep")
  print(ind + "I'm one level deep again")

# Output:
#   I'm one level deep
#     I'm two levels deep
#   I'm one level deep again

The default indentation symbol is two spaces. You can override this by passing symbol:

from indenter import Indenter
# Indent with 4 spaces per level
with Indenter(symbol="    ") as ind:
  print(ind + "I'm indented by four spaces")

# Indent with tabs
with Indenter(symbol="\t") as ind:
  print(ind + "I'm indented by one tab")

# Output:
#     I'm indented by four spaces
# 	I'm indented by one tab

When using custom symbols, nested withs will inherit the symbol of their parent. If you need more than one type of indentation at once, you must make and manage multiple Indenters.

The indenter starts at zero levels of indentation by default, and increases by one level for each with block. This can be overridden to start at other levels, such as 1:

from indenter import Indenter
ind = Indenter(start=1)
print(ind + "First-level indentation")
with ind:
  print(ind + "Second-level indentation")

# Output:
#   First-level indentation
#     Second-level indentation


I welcome contributions and foster an inclusive environment.


Testing requires pytest (pip install pytest).



(mostly notes for myself)

To release, first bump the version number in, commit the result, then run:

rm -rf dist
pip install twine
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine check dist/* # optional; check for common issues
twine upload dist/*

For ease of browsing by users, you should also cut a release on GitHub.