mirror distributions from pypi.python.org to our local djangopypi server

pip install infi.pypi-manager==0.4.40



A set of command-line scripts for copying Python packages from pypi.python.org to djangopypi servers.

Checking out the code

Run the following:

easy_install -U infi.projector
projector devenv build

Provides the following commands

Compares two repositories for changes between them (upgradable/downgradable packages):

compare_pypi_repos <reference_repo> <other_repo>

Install (using easy_install) a package and its dependencies:

hard_install <package_name>

Mirror a package and its distributable from pypi.python.org to local DjangoPyPI (based on .pypirc):

mirror_package <package_name> [<release_version>] [--build=<distribution-type> [--use-download-url]] [--recursive] [--index-server=<index-server>]

Generate a dependency tree/list for a package:

pydepends <package>
pydepends <package> --tree
pydepends <package> --licenses [--csv | --table]
pydepends <package> --find=<dependency>

Pull source packages from your local DjangoPyPI server, build binary distributions and upload them back to the server:

rebuild_package <package_name> [<release_version>] [--build=<distribution-type>] [--index-server=<index-server>]