
Inkbot is a wrapper around darknode-cli to make it easier to backup and restore darknodes configuration and credentials

pip install inkbot==0.0.8



Inkbot is a wrapper around darknode-cli to make it easier to backup and restore darknodes configuration and credentials.

Inkbot is experimental, use at your own risk!


To install Inkbot:

$ pip install --user inkbot

Inkbot automatically installs darknode-cli when needed, but you can install it explicitly:

$ inkbot install-darknode-cli

Or update it:

$ inkbot install-darknode-cli --update

Backup and restore

To backup darknodes, for example to darknodes.tgz.gpg:

$ inkbot backup darknodes.tgz.gpg
Enter passphrase: ******
Repeat passphrase: ******

It archives ~/.darknode without .terraform and binary files and encrypts it using GnuPG. You can inspect the backup file content:

$ inkbot list-backup darknodes.tgz.gpg
Enter passphrase: ******
-rw-r--r-- bachew/bachew  1090 2018-08-12 11:39 config.json
drwxr-xr-x bachew/bachew     0 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/
drwxr-xr-x bachew/bachew     0 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/
-rw-r--r-- bachew/bachew 10236 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/terraform.tfstate
-rw-r--r-- bachew/bachew     0 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/tags.out
-rw------- bachew/bachew   381 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/
-rw------- bachew/bachew  1675 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/ssh_keypair
-rw-r--r-- bachew/bachew    69 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/multiAddress.out
-rw------- bachew/bachew  1237 2018-08-12 11:40 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/
-rw------- bachew/bachew  3178 2018-08-12 11:39 darknodes/aws-testnet-eu-west-1/config.json

To restore the backup to ~/.darknode:

$ inkbot restore darknodes.tgz.gpg


To backup AWS access and secret keys you need to run the following command before inkbot backup <backup-file>:

$ inkbot set-aws-keys
AWS access key: ******
AWS secret key: ******

It writes the keys to ~/.darknode/inkbot/aws.json for easy backup. You can print out the keys:

$ inkbot aws-access-key
$ inkbot aws-secret-key

Digital Ocean

To backup Digital Ocean API token you need to run the following command before inkbot backup <backup-file>:

$ inkbot set-do-token
Digital Ocean token: ******

It writes the token to ~/.darknode/ for easy backup. You can print out the token:

$ inkbot do-token

Adding a new darknode

You can add a new darknode using the set AWS and DO credentials with inkbot add-aws-node or inkbot add-do-node:

$ inkbot add-aws-node NAME
$ inkbot add-do-node NAME

They basically just run darknode up <options> in the end, to just see the darknode command, use --print-command option:

$ inkbot add-aws-node --print-command NAME
darknode up --name NAME --aws --aws-access-key "$(inkbot aws-access-key)" --aws-secret-key "$(inkbot aws-secret-key)"
$ inkbot add-do-node --print-command NAME
darknode up --name NAME --do --do-token "$(inkbot do-token)"

Nothing extraordinary, just a convenient way to pass credentials without having it in command history.


To develop Inkbot locally, clone the repo and initialize it:

$ git clone
$ cd inkbot
$ python3

You can then activate the Python virtualenv and run inkbot command:

$ pipenv shell
$ whereis inkbot
$ inkbot --version


For testing set test = True in src/inkbot/

real_darknode_dir = osp.join(home_dir, '.darknode')
test_darknode_dir = real_darknode_dir + '-test'
test = True  # set to True to darknode dir in ~/.darknode-test
darknode_dir = test_darknode_dir if test else real_darknode_dir

Then run inkbot install-darknode-cli to rsync ~/.darknode to ~/.darknode-test.

And copy ~/.darknode there as well:

$ cp -r ~/.darknode ~/inkbot-test

Inkbot will then just backup from and restore to ~/inkbot-test.


To build and upload to PyPI:

$ inv build upload