MeSH topical subject terms without qualifiers for InvenioRDM
Install this extension to get Medical Subject Headings topics without qualifiers into your instance.
If you are looking for a larger MeSH vocabulary with qualifiers, use invenio-subjects-mesh instead.
Both extensions map the MeSH
subject id, so you can only install one of them. However, they
use the same pattern for subject ids, so you can switch from one to the other easily if your
needs change in the future.
From your instance directory:
pipenv install invenio-subjects-mesh-lite
This will add it to your Pipfile.
This repository follows calendar versioning for year and month:
is both a valid semantic version and an indicator of the year-month corresponding to the loaded MeSH terms.
here is a patch number (not a day).
So far the package is compatible with InvenioRDM 9.1+'s subjects "ABI". If there is a breaking change, a compatibility table will be provided to indicate version cross-compatibility.
There are 2 types of users for this package. Instance administrators and package maintainers.
For instance administrators, after you have installed the extension as per the steps above, you will want to reload your instance's fixtures: pipenv run invenio rdm-records fixtures
. This will install the new terms in your instance.
Alternatively, or if you want to update your already loaded subjects to a new listing (e.g. from one year's list to another), you can update your instance's MeSH subjects as per below. Updating subjects this way takes care of everything for you: the subjects themselves and the records/drafts using those subjects. WARNING This operation can remove subjects.
# In your instance's project
# Download up-to-date listings
pipenv run invenio galter_subjects mesh download -d /path/to/downloads/storage/ -y YEAR
# Generate file containg deltas to transition your instance to the downloaded listing
pipenv run invenio galter_subjects mesh deltas -d /path/to/downloads/storage/ -y YEAR -f topic -o deltas_mesh.csv
# Update your instance - *this operation will modify your instance*
pipenv run invenio galter_subjects update deltas_mesh.csv
Look at the help text for these commands to see additional options that can be passed.
In particular, options for galter_subjects update
allow you to store renamed, replaced or removed subjects on records according to a template of your choice.
When a new list of MeSH term comes out, this package should be updated. Here we show how.
Install the distribution package for development before you do anything.
Once you have it installed, you can run the following commands in the isolated virtualenv:
# In this project
# Download up-to-date listings
(venv) invenio galter_subjects mesh download -d /path/to/downloads/storage/ -y YEAR
# Generate file containing initial listing
(venv) invenio galter_subjects mesh file -d /path/to/downloads/storage/ -y YEAR -f topic -o invenio_subjects_mesh_lite/vocabularies/subjects_mesh.csv
When you are happy with the list, bump the version in pyproject.toml
and release it.
Install the project in editable mode with dev
dependencies in an isolated virtualenv ((venv)
denotes that going forward):
(venv) pip install -e .[dev]
# or if using pipenv
pipenv run pip install -e .[dev]
Run tests:
(venv) invoke test
# or shorter
(venv) inv test
# or if using pipenv
pipenv run inv test
Check manifest:
(venv) inv check-manifest
# or if using pipenv
pipenv run inv check-manifest
Clean out artefacts:
(venv) inv clean
# or if using pipenv
pipenv run inv clean