
Library for simulating a persons investment portfolio over time based on risk and return

investments, portfolio
pip install investment-simulator==0.2.0



Library for simulating a persons investment portfolio over time based on risk and return. This library makes use of Markowitz/Modern Portfolio Theory to model portfolio return and risk using the covariance of assets held. Focusing of modeling Stochastic methods such as Monte Carlo Simulations and implemented using functional styled python.

Table of Contents


Install from PyPi:

pip install investment-simulator
poetry add investment-simulator


Portfolio Simulations

The library offers the ability to simulate how a portfolio will grow over time in a stochastic way, showing the variance of possible outcomes based on asset allocations and how the assets are related to each other. The library requires the user to give the average annual return, asset weightings, the covariance between the assets, and number of steps in the simulation (investment horizon).

Basic usage:

from investment_simulator.portfolios import growth_simulation

asset_weights = [0.5, 0.5]
asset_returns = [0.1, 0.1]
covariance = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]
steps = 10

growth_simulation(asset_weights, asset_returns, covariance, steps)

The result is a Value Object/Frozen Data Class containing the mean outcome of 1000 simulations over 10 years steps, as well as the calculated risk and return of the modelled portfolio.

   simulation_mean=[1.0, 1.080889920462147, 1.1770098655116579, 1.372350014835664, 1.7036261053980901,
                    1.7926598558102225, 1.9825789493200046, 2.621924082582044, 3.200699630098704,
                    3.2614308258392573, 4.211555444216132],
   simulation_std=[0.0, 0.8151713183859045, 1.407052616672628, 3.0336270877135734, 4.8721084117880755,
                   4.915923260576842, 6.394237270341292, 13.456266947236522, 24.550547468886933,
                   29.54050507961563, 42.62272966366064],

Investment Goals

The investment simulator also allows optionally for an investment goal to be input to calculate the likelihood of achieving it. This is done in the same growth function when the optional investment_goal parameter is input and non-zero. This causes the function to return an InvestmentResults object which inherits from PortfolioResults

For example; a person my want to save for a certain amount of money for retirement, where the simulation could be used to determine the percentage outcomes that reach the desired amount, as well what additional payments would be required so that the goal is likely to be achieved. Outcomes are assumed to be normally distributed and additional payments are to achieve a probability of 50% of achieving the goal. This is used as follows:

from investment_simulator.portfolios import growth_simulation

asset_weights = [0.5, 0.5]
asset_returns = [0.1, 0.1]
covariance = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]
steps = 10
investment_goal = 2.5

        asset_weightings= asset_weights,

The result of which is:

    simulation_mean=[1.0, 1.0995099544525146, 1.210924506187439, 1.3327478170394897, 1.4653383493423462,
                     1.6140620708465576, 1.7742526531219482, 1.9512927532196045, 2.1460065841674805,
                     2.357496976852417, 2.5915284156799316],
    simulation_std=[0.0, 0.024642884731292725, 0.039426639676094055, 0.052822574973106384, 0.06663929671049118,
                   0.08260171860456467, 0.10066824406385422, 0.11744718253612518, 0.13588516414165497,
                   0.1578415483236313, 0.18211820721626282],

Where the person has approximately 70% probability of achieving their investment goal, and doesn't require any additional savings to improve their likelihood above 50%.

Contribution Functions

The simulation has the ability to add annual contributions to the portfolio uniformly across simulations. The contribution function should take the time step as an input and return a contribution amount. For example a function could be defined as:

def continuous_contributions(
    initial_contribution: float,
    contribution_growth: float = 0.0
) -> Callable[[int], float]:
    def inner(step: int) -> float:
        return initial_contribution *  (1 +contribution_growth) ** step

    return inner

Where a functioncontinuous_contributions is defined as the default contributions function. Such that there is the initial_contribution added to to a portfolio in the simulation which grows annually at a rate of contributuion_growth compounded by the step.

Allocations Optimisation

The library also offers the ability to optimise the allocations of a portfolio, determining the weightings of assets that provide the highest return for the lowest risk. This follows the concept of the Efficient Portfolio Frontier by generating a series of random portfolios to build the curve, then maximising for the portfolio with the highest Sharpe Ratio.

from investment_simulator.allocations import allocations_simulation

annual_returns = [0.1, 0.1]
covariance = [[0.001, 0.000], [0.000, 0.001]]
simulations = 10

allocations_simulation(annual_returns, covariance, simulations)

The result is a Value Object(Frozen Data Class) containing the portfolio with the highest sharpe ratio score.

    weights=[0.52266234, 0.47733766]




Please contribute! Look at the issues.


Dependencies managed using poetry and can be installed using poetry install

Git Hooks

This repository uses git hooks for; formatting using black, debug checks, and running tests. This will auto format any commits to a forced styling using black, check for debug statements, and block commits where tests fail. Pre Commit can be run using pre-commit run --all-files in terminal to check your changes before committing if preferred.


Testing is done in pytest and can be initiated using:

poetry run python -m pytest -v


  • Monte Carlo simulation for an portfolio based on asset weightings and returns.
  • Portfolio Simulation for optimal asset allocations
  • Back solving probabilities of achieving a fixed goal.
  • Git hooks for; formatting using black, debug checks, and running tests.
  • Tax calculation and input to better model income based contribution functions.


  • Test Coverage
  • More contribution functions to support usage.
  • Actuarial based formulae and functions for modeling investments.


MIT © 2021