
LXC deploy and config management tool

pip install iori==0.1


Iori is LXC deploying and config management tool.

What's "Iori"?

"Iori" is means a simple hut. It is written "庵" in Kanji, this caracter is 0x5EB5 in Unicode.
Iori is a command line tool for deploying and config management tool of Linux Containers (LXC). When you use LXC, you need to use LXC userland command line tool as start with "lxc-\*" generally. LXC is provided template config file and scripts. But this way if you want to manage from a remote contoller host is difficult to treat containers by bulk. So this tool controls LXC with libvirt API, and manages these config files with Git repository.

This tool is enable to manage LXC container's multi hosts. It is that one branch is managed as one host. Branch name is generated from hostname(or FQDN) or IPv4 or IPv6 address. 'master' branch will be using for mapping. 'template' branch is used for template of each node.


* Python 2.7
* python-libvirt (0.9.12)
* GitPython (0.3.2-rc1)
* cdebootstrap (not test of debootstrap)

You do not need to install lxc package. :)


Mount cgroup file system

Mount cgroup filesystem firstly. Append next one line to /etc/fstab, execute "sudo mount -a."::

  cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0

If you use Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy/Sid, set up below option to /etc/default/grub, then execute "sudo update-grub2 && sudo shutdown -r now".::


Ubuntu 12.04 is unnecessary to setup this option.

Install Debian packages that Iori depends on

Iori depends on GitPython, python-libvirt and libvirt, and Python2.7. Install these packages.::

  $ sudo apt-get install python-git libvirt-bin python-libvirt

Install Iori

Install that choosing with one of three ways.

from source

   $ git clone
   $ cd iori
   $ sudo python install


   $ pip install iori

Debian package 

Not yet official package, then download python-iori-x.x_all.deb from and install with dpkg command.::

  $ wget
  $ sudo dpkg -i python-iori_x.x-x_all.deb

Add a user account to libvirt(libvirtd) group

Add a user account for using iori to libvirt  or libvirtd group.::

  $ sudo adduser <youraccount> libvirt

libvirt is for Debian, libvirtd is for Ubuntu.

Make direcotry

If directory "/var/lib/lxc" is not existed, make it.::

  $ sudo mkdir /var/lib/lxc


See docs/HISTORY.rst

Quick start guide

Create repository

Create $HOME/.iori directory and initialize Git repository. ::

  $ iori newrepo

Add LXC host node to Git repository

Make branch of named hostname of LXC host node, checktout it.::

  $ iori addnode -n localhost

Define libvirt XML file and create rootfs image

Generate XML file of libvirt domain, and define domain from this xml, create rootfs image with debootstrap command. Then save XML file of that domain.::

  $ iori deploy -n localhost -c testcont01 --rootfs /var/lib/lxc/testcont01

Start container

Start container from above domain.::

  $ iori start -n localhost -c testcont01


You copy pre-commit hook scripts after git clone.::

  $ cp -f utils/pre-commit.txt .git/hooks/pre-commit

Next install python 2.7 later and nosetests, libvirt, python-libvirt, GitPython, cdebootstrap. Below way is for Debian GNU/Linux Sid system.::

  $ sudo apt-get install python python-libvirt python-git python-nose

Then checkout 'devel' branch for development, commit your changes. Before pull request, execute git rebase.

See also

* `lxc Linux Containers <>`_
* `libvirt The virtualization API <>`_
* `GitPython <>`_
* `ElementTree XML API <>`_ 
* `Appendix D. Random Bits - D.3. Installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System <>`_

See also these documents.