ipodshuffle is a Python Project for iPod Shuffle 4th generation.
It contain a few modules to handle "iTunesSD".
And a cli tool "teresa" for sync audio files.
With TTS engine "voicerss", it can speak lot of languages naturally, include English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Python 3
svox (only if you want to use this TTS engline)
app-accessibility/svox in overlay 'ikelos'
dev-python/ipodshuffle in overlay 'observer'
pip3 install ipodshuffle
# enable "voiceover" first teresa set -b ipod_test -v true # sync audio files. I got Chinese, Japenese and English id3 title, and use "voicerss" TTS engine. teresa sync -b ipod_test -s ipod_src -l zh-cn,ja-jp,en-gb -e voicerss -k d279f919f7384d3bafa5c6caad0eae56
This program not compatible with iTunes, and it may destroy data on your iPod.