
An extension for IPython to embed a pythontutor iframe that can illustrate the code in the current cell.

pip install ipythontutor==0.0.2


Licence CC BY-NC-ND

Embedding pythontutor.com illustrations in Jupyter


$ pip3 install ipythontutor


As github won't render iframes embedded in a ipynb, here's a screenshot

Basic Usage

# required to load the extension
%load_ext ipythontutor

In its simplest form, the code in the cell is handed over (as python3) to the excellent http://pythontutor.com/

original = reference = [1, 2]
original[0] = 'boom'

Setting sizes

%%ipythontutor height=400 width=850
def fact(n):
    return 1 if n <= 1 else n * fact(n-1)
original = [fact(3), fact(4)]
reference = original[:]
original[0] = 'boom'

Link button to pythontutor (open in a new tab)

%%ipythontutor height=400 width=850 linkButton=true
def fact(n):
    return 1 if n <= 1 else n * fact(n-1)
original = [fact(3), fact(4)]
reference = original[:]
original[0] = 'boom'


If your page is smaller than what pythontutor can reasonably work with, you can specify a scaling ratio.

%%ipythontutor width=600 height=200 ratio=0.7
import copy
original = [1, [2, 3]]
reference = copy.deepcopy(original)
original[1][0] = 'boom'

Using python2

%%ipythontutor py=2
print "Hey"
original = [1, 2]
copy = original[:]
original[0] = 'boom'

Other settings

The following list shows the settings that can be tweaked on the magic line. See also this page about embedding pythontutor for more details on these settings:

from ipythontutor import Magics
for var, default in Magics.defaults.items():
    print("{var:>20} - defaults to - {default:<}".format(**locals()))

Note on proto

The default is to use https to reach pythontutor, as this is exepcted to work in most cases. If that's not working for you, instead of setting proto=http on each magic cell, you can change this globally - like any other default btw - this way:

from ipythontutor import Magics
Magics.defaults['proto'] = 'http'

See also

Check out another pure approach, that does not rely on pythontutor, at the nbtutor project.