A tool library created by jaanca that allows measuring the time between two moments in the source code.

timer, stopwatch, in, interval, format, for, databases
pip install jaanca-chronometer==0.1.6


What libraries

  • Python library: A tool library created by jaanca.

Referencias para publicar los paquetes en pypi.org

https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/tutorials/packaging-projects/ https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/

Before uploading any changes, you must first run the unit tests is it exists

# Pre-requisite
pip install pytest -y
pip show pytest

# Make test
pytest -s

Define version to publish

Change Attribute: setup.py: VERSION

Definitions for releasing versions

  • https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/

    • X.YaN (Alpha release): Identify and fix early-stage bugs. Not suitable for production use.
    • X.YbN (Beta release): Stabilize and refine features. Address reported bugs. Prepare for official release.
    • X.YrcN (Release candidate): Final version before official release. Assumes all major features are complete and stable. Recommended for testing in non-critical environments.
    • X.Y (Final release/Stable/Production): Completed, stable version ready for use in production. Full release for public use.

Pre-Requisites to Build + Publish

# Create virtual environment
python -m pip install pipenv
# Activate virtual environment
python -m pipenv shell

# Build tool
pip install --upgrade setuptools build

# Publish to pypi/Azure DevOps Artifacts tool
pip install --upgrade twine

Build + Publish in https://pypi.org

# be located in the library folder
cd folder/
# then run this in the same folder where setup.py is located.    
python -m build
# Upload to PyPI Production
twine upload dist/* --config-file ../.pypirc --verbose --repository pypi

For testing

# be located in the library folder
cd folder/
# Upload to PyPI Develop
twine upload dist/* --config-file ../.pypirc --verbose --repository testpypi

Delete Cache


Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -Filter "*.egg-info" | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -Filter "dist" | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse