
python SDK for JCS DSS

pip install jcs-dss-sdk==1.0.3



Client library for JCS


Installation from source

git clone https://github.com/jiocloudservices/jcsclient.git
cd jcsclient
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt   # Can use virtual environment too
sudo python setup.py develop

Installation as a pip package

pip install -e git+https://github.com/jiocloudservices/jcsclient.git#egg=jcsclient


Copy openrc.sample to create openrc file, put your actual credentials in this file and then source this file Edit the src/client/config.py to include your credentials.

cp openrc.sample openrc
# Update openrc now, and add your access/secret keys
source openrc

If you are from your local machine, you might need to add entries to /etc/hosts file to map an IP to the endpoint. No need to do the same if you are using this library from a staging machien.

NOTE: Never ever commit your access and secret keys and push to a public repository. You have been warned.


You can use CLI to make an API request, or just get the input which you can use with 'curl' command.

$ jcs compute describe-instances

First argument is service name (one of 'compute', 'vpc', 'dss', 'iam' and 'rds'). To get help on a service, execute:

jcs <service> --help

To get helptext for a particular command, execute:

jcs <service> <command> --help