
Tool for downloading and transferring Jeppesen databases

pip install jdmtool==0.0.1



A command-line tool for downloading and transferring Jeppesen databases aiming to be compatible with Jeppesen Distribution Manager.

It requires a Jeppesen subscription, and currenty supports the following services:

  • NavData for Garmin GNS 400/500 Series
    • Requires a Skybound data card programmer (USB ID 0e39:1250)
    • Requires a 16MB NavData WAAS card or a 4MB NavData non-WAAS card
      • If you have an 8MB data card, please file a bug!
  • NavData and Obstacles for Avidyne IFD 400 Series
  • (Very experimental) Garmin G1000 support
    • If you try it, please file a bug to report your results - even just to say "it worked".
    • Services other than Electronic Charts should produce byte-for-byte identical results to JDM, and are expected to work.
    • Electronic Charts may work, but are completely untested! See more info here.

It is mainly tested on Linux, but should work on OS X and Windows.


You may want to create a Python virtual environment using e.g. virtualenvwrapper.

Install the latest jdmtool release:

pip3 install jdmtool

Or install the latest code from GitHub:

pip3 install "git+https://github.com/dimaryaz/jdmtool.git#egg=jdmtool"

IFD 400 and G1000

You should install an optional Just-in-Time compiler by running:

pip3 install jdmtool[jit]

This should significantly improve transfer speeds.

GNS 400/500

Make sure you have access to the USB device. On Linux, you should copy udev/50-skybound.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and possibly reload the rules. On Windows, you will need the WinUSB drivers. You do not need the official Skybound drivers.

Basic Usage

Log in

You only need to run this once (unless you change your password).

$ jdmtool login
Username: test@example.com
Logged in successfully

Refresh the list of available downloads

Run this every time you want to download updates.

$ jdmtool refresh
Downloading services...
Downloading keychain...
No updates.

View available downloads

$ jdmtool list
ID  Name                                                                    Coverage              Version   Start Date  End Date    Downloaded
 0  Garmin GNS 400/500 Series WAAS - NavData                                Americas              2303      2023-03-23  2023-04-20            
 1  Garmin GNS 400/500 Series WAAS - NavData                                Americas              2304      2023-04-20  2023-05-18            

View detailed info

$ jdmtool info 0
Aircraft Manufacturer:        LOCKHEED
Aircraft Model:               SR-71
Aircraft Tail Number:         N12345

Avionics:                     Garmin GNS 400/500 Series WAAS
Coverage:                     Americas
Service Type:                 NavData
Service Code:                 DGRW7253
Service ID:                   12345678
Service Renewal Date:         2024-01-01 00:00:00

Version:                      2303
Version Start Date:           2023-03-23 06:00:00
Version End Date:             2023-04-20 06:00:00

Next Version:                 2304
Next Version Available Date:  2023-04-10 06:00:00
Next Version Start Date:      2023-04-20 06:00:00

File Name:                    dgrw72_2303_eceb0273.bin
File Size:                    8443904
File CRC32:                   eceb0273
Serial Number:                
System ID:                    

  /home/user/.local/share/jdmtool/downloads/dgrw72_2303_eceb0273.bin  (missing)

Download the database

This is optional - the next command will automatically download the database as needed - but can be useful if you want to transfer the database when you are offline.

$ jdmtool download 0
Downloading: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 8.44M/8.44M [00:03<00:00, 2.15MB/s]
Downloaded to /home/user/.local/share/jdmtool/downloads/dgrw72_2303_eceb0273.bin

Transfer the database to the data card (GNS 400/500)

$ jdmtool transfer 0
Found device: Bus 001 Device 052: ID 0e39:1250
Detected data card: 16MB WAAS

Selected service:
  Garmin GNS 400/500 Series WAAS - NavData                              2408    2024-08-08 - 2024-09-05

Transfer to the data card? (y/n) y
Erasing the database: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 8.59M/8.59M [02:15<00:00, 63.1KB/s]
Writing the database: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 8.59M/8.59M [04:14<00:00, 40.5KB/s]
Verifying the database: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████| 8.59M/8.59M [01:32<00:00, 92.5KB/s]
Writing new metadata: {2303~12345678}

Transfer the database to the USB drive (IFD 440 or G1000)

You can specify a single service ID, multiple IDs separated by commas, curr for all services that are current, or next for all services that are not yet current.

Note: the final database file requires the FAT32 volume ID of the USB drive. jdmtool will attempt to find it automatically - which requires the destination to be an actual FAT32-formatted device, not any random directory. Alternatively, you may set the volume ID manually using the --vol-id parameter.

Getting the volume ID automatically is currently not supported on Mac OS, so you will need to use the --vol-id parameter. You can try these instructions for finding the volume ID.

$ jdmtool transfer 0,1 /run/media/user/USB/
Found volume ID: 1234abcd

Selected services:
  Avidyne IFD 400 Series, Bendix King AeroNav Series - NavData          2405      2024-05-17  2024-06-16
  Avidyne IFD 400 Series, Bendix King AeroNav Series - Obstacles        2405      2024-05-17  2024-06-16

Transfer to /run/media/user/USB/? (y/n) y
Writing to /run/media/user/USB/navdata.dsf: 100%|██████████████████| 32.2M/32.2M [00:10<00:00, 3.18MB/s]
Updating .jdm...
Writing to /run/media/user/USB/obstacles.dsf: 100%|████████████████| 2.24M/2.24M [00:02<00:00, 984kB/s]
Updating .jdm...

Delete expired downloads

You can delete expired downloads by running clean:

$ jdmtool clean
Found 1 obsolete downloads (8.2MB total):

Delete? (y/n) y

More Information


Please file a bug if you run into problems, or if you have a device/service that is not currently supported.